@@ -1,797 +0,0 @@
-/// The .ZIP File Format Specification is found here:
-/// https://pkwaredownloads.blob.core.windows.net/pem/APPNOTE.txt
-/// Note that this file uses the abbreviation "cd" for "central directory"
-const builtin = @import("builtin");
-const std = @import("std");
-const testing = std.testing;
-pub const testutil = @import("zip/test.zig");
-const File = testutil.File;
-const FileStore = testutil.FileStore;
-pub const CompressionMethod = enum(u16) {
- store = 0,
- deflate = 8,
- _,
-pub const central_file_header_sig = [4]u8{ 'P', 'K', 1, 2 };
-pub const local_file_header_sig = [4]u8{ 'P', 'K', 3, 4 };
-pub const end_record_sig = [4]u8{ 'P', 'K', 5, 6 };
-pub const end_record64_sig = [4]u8{ 'P', 'K', 6, 6 };
-pub const end_locator64_sig = [4]u8{ 'P', 'K', 6, 7 };
-pub const ExtraHeader = enum(u16) {
- zip64_info = 0x1,
- _,
-const GeneralPurposeFlags = packed struct(u16) {
- encrypted: bool,
- _: u15,
-pub const LocalFileHeader = extern struct {
- signature: [4]u8 align(1),
- version_needed_to_extract: u16 align(1),
- flags: GeneralPurposeFlags align(1),
- compression_method: CompressionMethod align(1),
- last_modification_time: u16 align(1),
- last_modification_date: u16 align(1),
- crc32: u32 align(1),
- compressed_size: u32 align(1),
- uncompressed_size: u32 align(1),
- filename_len: u16 align(1),
- extra_len: u16 align(1),
-pub const CentralDirectoryFileHeader = extern struct {
- signature: [4]u8 align(1),
- version_made_by: u16 align(1),
- version_needed_to_extract: u16 align(1),
- flags: GeneralPurposeFlags align(1),
- compression_method: CompressionMethod align(1),
- last_modification_time: u16 align(1),
- last_modification_date: u16 align(1),
- crc32: u32 align(1),
- compressed_size: u32 align(1),
- uncompressed_size: u32 align(1),
- filename_len: u16 align(1),
- extra_len: u16 align(1),
- comment_len: u16 align(1),
- disk_number: u16 align(1),
- internal_file_attributes: u16 align(1),
- external_file_attributes: u32 align(1),
- local_file_header_offset: u32 align(1),
-pub const EndRecord64 = extern struct {
- signature: [4]u8 align(1),
- end_record_size: u64 align(1),
- version_made_by: u16 align(1),
- version_needed_to_extract: u16 align(1),
- disk_number: u32 align(1),
- central_directory_disk_number: u32 align(1),
- record_count_disk: u64 align(1),
- record_count_total: u64 align(1),
- central_directory_size: u64 align(1),
- central_directory_offset: u64 align(1),
-pub const EndLocator64 = extern struct {
- signature: [4]u8 align(1),
- zip64_disk_count: u32 align(1),
- record_file_offset: u64 align(1),
- total_disk_count: u32 align(1),
-pub const EndRecord = extern struct {
- signature: [4]u8 align(1),
- disk_number: u16 align(1),
- central_directory_disk_number: u16 align(1),
- record_count_disk: u16 align(1),
- record_count_total: u16 align(1),
- central_directory_size: u32 align(1),
- central_directory_offset: u32 align(1),
- comment_len: u16 align(1),
- pub fn need_zip64(self: EndRecord) bool {
- return isMaxInt(self.record_count_disk) or
- isMaxInt(self.record_count_total) or
- isMaxInt(self.central_directory_size) or
- isMaxInt(self.central_directory_offset);
- }
-/// Find and return the end record for the given seekable zip stream.
-/// Note that `seekable_stream` must be an instance of `std.io.SeekabkeStream` and
-/// its context must also have a `.reader()` method that returns an instance of
-/// `std.io.Reader`.
-pub fn findEndRecord(seekable_stream: anytype, stream_len: u64) !EndRecord {
- var buf: [@sizeOf(EndRecord) + std.math.maxInt(u16)]u8 = undefined;
- const record_len_max = @min(stream_len, buf.len);
- var loaded_len: u32 = 0;
- var comment_len: u16 = 0;
- while (true) {
- const record_len: u32 = @as(u32, comment_len) + @sizeOf(EndRecord);
- if (record_len > record_len_max)
- return error.ZipNoEndRecord;
- if (record_len > loaded_len) {
- const new_loaded_len = @min(loaded_len + 300, record_len_max);
- const read_len = new_loaded_len - loaded_len;
- try seekable_stream.seekTo(stream_len - @as(u64, new_loaded_len));
- const read_buf: []u8 = buf[buf.len - new_loaded_len ..][0..read_len];
- const len = try seekable_stream.context.reader().readAll(read_buf);
- if (len != read_len)
- return error.ZipTruncated;
- loaded_len = new_loaded_len;
- }
- const record_bytes = buf[buf.len - record_len ..][0..@sizeOf(EndRecord)];
- if (std.mem.eql(u8, record_bytes[0..4], &end_record_sig) and
- std.mem.readInt(u16, record_bytes[20..22], .little) == comment_len)
- {
- const record: *align(1) EndRecord = @ptrCast(record_bytes.ptr);
- if (builtin.target.cpu.arch.endian() != .little) {
- std.mem.byteSwapAllFields(@TypeOf(record.*), record);
- }
- return record.*;
- }
- if (comment_len == std.math.maxInt(u16))
- return error.ZipNoEndRecord;
- comment_len += 1;
- }
-/// Decompresses the given data from `reader` into `writer`. Stops early if more
-/// than `uncompressed_size` bytes are processed and verifies that exactly that
-/// number of bytes are decompressed. Returns the CRC-32 of the uncompressed data.
-/// `writer` can be anything with a `writeAll(self: *Self, chunk: []const u8) anyerror!void` method.
-pub fn decompress(
- method: CompressionMethod,
- uncompressed_size: u64,
- reader: anytype,
- writer: anytype,
-) !u32 {
- var hash = std.hash.Crc32.init();
- var total_uncompressed: u64 = 0;
- switch (method) {
- .store => {
- var buf: [std.mem.page_size]u8 = undefined;
- while (true) {
- const len = try reader.read(&buf);
- if (len == 0) break;
- try writer.writeAll(buf[0..len]);
- hash.update(buf[0..len]);
- total_uncompressed += @intCast(len);
- }
- },
- .deflate => {
- var br = std.io.bufferedReader(reader);
- var decompressor = std.compress.flate.decompressor(br.reader());
- while (try decompressor.next()) |chunk| {
- try writer.writeAll(chunk);
- hash.update(chunk);
- total_uncompressed += @intCast(chunk.len);
- if (total_uncompressed > uncompressed_size)
- return error.ZipUncompressSizeTooSmall;
- }
- if (br.end != br.start)
- return error.ZipDeflateTruncated;
- },
- _ => return error.UnsupportedCompressionMethod,
- }
- if (total_uncompressed != uncompressed_size)
- return error.ZipUncompressSizeMismatch;
- return hash.final();
-fn isBadFilename(filename: []const u8) bool {
- if (filename.len == 0 or filename[0] == '/')
- return true;
- var it = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, filename, '/');
- while (it.next()) |part| {
- if (std.mem.eql(u8, part, ".."))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-fn isMaxInt(uint: anytype) bool {
- return uint == std.math.maxInt(@TypeOf(uint));
-const FileExtents = struct {
- uncompressed_size: u64,
- compressed_size: u64,
- local_file_header_offset: u64,
-fn readZip64FileExtents(header: CentralDirectoryFileHeader, extents: *FileExtents, data: []u8) !void {
- var data_offset: usize = 0;
- if (isMaxInt(header.uncompressed_size)) {
- if (data_offset + 8 > data.len)
- return error.ZipBadCd64Size;
- extents.uncompressed_size = std.mem.readInt(u64, data[data_offset..][0..8], .little);
- data_offset += 8;
- }
- if (isMaxInt(header.compressed_size)) {
- if (data_offset + 8 > data.len)
- return error.ZipBadCd64Size;
- extents.compressed_size = std.mem.readInt(u64, data[data_offset..][0..8], .little);
- data_offset += 8;
- }
- if (isMaxInt(header.local_file_header_offset)) {
- if (data_offset + 8 > data.len)
- return error.ZipBadCd64Size;
- extents.local_file_header_offset = std.mem.readInt(u64, data[data_offset..][0..8], .little);
- data_offset += 8;
- }
- if (isMaxInt(header.disk_number)) {
- if (data_offset + 4 > data.len)
- return error.ZipInvalid;
- const disk_number = std.mem.readInt(u32, data[data_offset..][0..4], .little);
- if (disk_number != 0)
- return error.ZipMultiDiskUnsupported;
- data_offset += 4;
- }
- if (data_offset > data.len)
- return error.ZipBadCd64Size;
-pub fn Iterator(comptime SeekableStream: type) type {
- return struct {
- stream: SeekableStream,
- cd_record_count: u64,
- cd_zip_offset: u64,
- cd_size: u64,
- cd_record_index: u64 = 0,
- cd_record_offset: u64 = 0,
- const Self = @This();
- pub fn init(stream: SeekableStream) !Self {
- const stream_len = try stream.getEndPos();
- const end_record = try findEndRecord(stream, stream_len);
- if (!isMaxInt(end_record.record_count_disk) and end_record.record_count_disk > end_record.record_count_total)
- return error.ZipDiskRecordCountTooLarge;
- if (end_record.disk_number != 0 or end_record.central_directory_disk_number != 0)
- return error.ZipMultiDiskUnsupported;
- {
- const counts_valid = !isMaxInt(end_record.record_count_disk) and !isMaxInt(end_record.record_count_total);
- if (counts_valid and end_record.record_count_disk != end_record.record_count_total)
- return error.ZipMultiDiskUnsupported;
- }
- var result = Self{
- .stream = stream,
- .cd_record_count = end_record.record_count_total,
- .cd_zip_offset = end_record.central_directory_offset,
- .cd_size = end_record.central_directory_size,
- };
- if (!end_record.need_zip64()) return result;
- const locator_end_offset: u64 = @as(u64, end_record.comment_len) + @sizeOf(EndRecord) + @sizeOf(EndLocator64);
- if (locator_end_offset > stream_len)
- return error.ZipTruncated;
- try stream.seekTo(stream_len - locator_end_offset);
- const locator = try readStructEndian(stream.context.reader(), EndLocator64, .little);
- if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &locator.signature, &end_locator64_sig))
- return error.ZipBadLocatorSig;
- if (locator.zip64_disk_count != 0)
- return error.ZipUnsupportedZip64DiskCount;
- if (locator.total_disk_count != 1)
- return error.ZipMultiDiskUnsupported;
- try stream.seekTo(locator.record_file_offset);
- const record64 = try readStructEndian(stream.context.reader(), EndRecord64, .little);
- if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &record64.signature, &end_record64_sig))
- return error.ZipBadEndRecord64Sig;
- if (record64.end_record_size < @sizeOf(EndRecord64) - 12)
- return error.ZipEndRecord64SizeTooSmall;
- if (record64.end_record_size > @sizeOf(EndRecord64) - 12)
- return error.ZipEndRecord64UnhandledExtraData;
- if (record64.version_needed_to_extract > 45)
- return error.ZipUnsupportedVersion;
- {
- const is_multidisk = record64.disk_number != 0 or
- record64.central_directory_disk_number != 0 or
- record64.record_count_disk != record64.record_count_total;
- if (is_multidisk)
- return error.ZipMultiDiskUnsupported;
- }
- if (isMaxInt(end_record.record_count_total)) {
- result.cd_record_count = record64.record_count_total;
- } else if (end_record.record_count_total != record64.record_count_total)
- return error.Zip64RecordCountTotalMismatch;
- if (isMaxInt(end_record.central_directory_offset)) {
- result.cd_zip_offset = record64.central_directory_offset;
- } else if (end_record.central_directory_offset != record64.central_directory_offset)
- return error.Zip64CentralDirectoryOffsetMismatch;
- if (isMaxInt(end_record.central_directory_size)) {
- result.cd_size = record64.central_directory_size;
- } else if (end_record.central_directory_size != record64.central_directory_size)
- return error.Zip64CentralDirectorySizeMismatch;
- return result;
- }
- pub fn next(self: *Self) !?Entry {
- if (self.cd_record_index == self.cd_record_count) {
- if (self.cd_record_offset != self.cd_size)
- return if (self.cd_size > self.cd_record_offset)
- error.ZipCdOversized
- else
- error.ZipCdUndersized;
- return null;
- }
- const header_zip_offset = self.cd_zip_offset + self.cd_record_offset;
- try self.stream.seekTo(header_zip_offset);
- const header = try readStructEndian(self.stream.context.reader(), CentralDirectoryFileHeader, .little);
- if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &header.signature, ¢ral_file_header_sig))
- return error.ZipBadCdOffset;
- self.cd_record_index += 1;
- self.cd_record_offset += @sizeOf(CentralDirectoryFileHeader) + header.filename_len + header.extra_len + header.comment_len;
- // Note: checking the version_needed_to_extract doesn't seem to be helpful, i.e. the zip file
- // at https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v1.12.0/ninja-linux.zip
- // has an undocumented version 788 but extracts just fine.
- if (header.flags.encrypted)
- return error.ZipEncryptionUnsupported;
- // TODO: check/verify more flags
- if (header.disk_number != 0)
- return error.ZipMultiDiskUnsupported;
- var extents: FileExtents = .{
- .uncompressed_size = header.uncompressed_size,
- .compressed_size = header.compressed_size,
- .local_file_header_offset = header.local_file_header_offset,
- };
- if (header.extra_len > 0) {
- var extra_buf: [std.math.maxInt(u16)]u8 = undefined;
- const extra = extra_buf[0..header.extra_len];
- {
- try self.stream.seekTo(header_zip_offset + @sizeOf(CentralDirectoryFileHeader) + header.filename_len);
- const len = try self.stream.context.reader().readAll(extra);
- if (len != extra.len)
- return error.ZipTruncated;
- }
- var extra_offset: usize = 0;
- while (extra_offset + 4 <= extra.len) {
- const header_id = std.mem.readInt(u16, extra[extra_offset..][0..2], .little);
- const data_size = std.mem.readInt(u16, extra[extra_offset..][2..4], .little);
- const end = extra_offset + 4 + data_size;
- if (end > extra.len)
- return error.ZipBadExtraFieldSize;
- const data = extra[extra_offset + 4 .. end];
- switch (@as(ExtraHeader, @enumFromInt(header_id))) {
- .zip64_info => try readZip64FileExtents(header, &extents, data),
- else => {}, // ignore
- }
- extra_offset = end;
- }
- }
- return .{
- .version_needed_to_extract = header.version_needed_to_extract,
- .flags = header.flags,
- .compression_method = header.compression_method,
- .last_modification_time = header.last_modification_time,
- .last_modification_date = header.last_modification_date,
- .header_zip_offset = header_zip_offset,
- .crc32 = header.crc32,
- .filename_len = header.filename_len,
- .compressed_size = extents.compressed_size,
- .uncompressed_size = extents.uncompressed_size,
- .file_offset = extents.local_file_header_offset,
- };
- }
- pub const Entry = struct {
- version_needed_to_extract: u16,
- flags: GeneralPurposeFlags,
- compression_method: CompressionMethod,
- last_modification_time: u16,
- last_modification_date: u16,
- header_zip_offset: u64,
- crc32: u32,
- filename_len: u32,
- compressed_size: u64,
- uncompressed_size: u64,
- file_offset: u64,
- pub fn extract(
- self: Entry,
- stream: SeekableStream,
- options: ExtractOptions,
- filename_buf: []u8,
- dest: std.fs.Dir,
- ) !u32 {
- if (filename_buf.len < self.filename_len)
- return error.ZipInsufficientBuffer;
- const filename = filename_buf[0..self.filename_len];
- try stream.seekTo(self.header_zip_offset + @sizeOf(CentralDirectoryFileHeader));
- {
- const len = try stream.context.reader().readAll(filename);
- if (len != filename.len)
- return error.ZipBadFileOffset;
- }
- const local_data_header_offset: u64 = local_data_header_offset: {
- const local_header = blk: {
- try stream.seekTo(self.file_offset);
- break :blk try readStructEndian(stream.context.reader(), LocalFileHeader, .little);
- };
- if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &local_header.signature, &local_file_header_sig))
- return error.ZipBadFileOffset;
- if (local_header.version_needed_to_extract != self.version_needed_to_extract)
- return error.ZipMismatchVersionNeeded;
- if (local_header.last_modification_time != self.last_modification_time)
- return error.ZipMismatchModTime;
- if (local_header.last_modification_date != self.last_modification_date)
- return error.ZipMismatchModDate;
- if (@as(u16, @bitCast(local_header.flags)) != @as(u16, @bitCast(self.flags)))
- return error.ZipMismatchFlags;
- if (local_header.crc32 != 0 and local_header.crc32 != self.crc32)
- return error.ZipMismatchCrc32;
- if (local_header.compressed_size != 0 and
- local_header.compressed_size != self.compressed_size)
- return error.ZipMismatchCompLen;
- if (local_header.uncompressed_size != 0 and
- local_header.uncompressed_size != self.uncompressed_size)
- return error.ZipMismatchUncompLen;
- if (local_header.filename_len != self.filename_len)
- return error.ZipMismatchFilenameLen;
- break :local_data_header_offset @as(u64, local_header.filename_len) +
- @as(u64, local_header.extra_len);
- };
- if (isBadFilename(filename))
- return error.ZipBadFilename;
- if (options.allow_backslashes) {
- std.mem.replaceScalar(u8, filename, '\\', '/');
- } else {
- if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, filename, '\\')) |_|
- return error.ZipFilenameHasBackslash;
- }
- // All entries that end in '/' are directories
- if (filename[filename.len - 1] == '/') {
- if (self.uncompressed_size != 0)
- return error.ZipBadDirectorySize;
- try dest.makePath(filename[0 .. filename.len - 1]);
- return std.hash.Crc32.hash(&.{});
- }
- const out_file = blk: {
- if (std.fs.path.dirname(filename)) |dirname| {
- var parent_dir = try dest.makeOpenPath(dirname, .{});
- defer parent_dir.close();
- const basename = std.fs.path.basename(filename);
- break :blk try parent_dir.createFile(basename, .{ .exclusive = true });
- }
- break :blk try dest.createFile(filename, .{ .exclusive = true });
- };
- defer out_file.close();
- const local_data_file_offset: u64 =
- @as(u64, self.file_offset) +
- @as(u64, @sizeOf(LocalFileHeader)) +
- local_data_header_offset;
- try stream.seekTo(local_data_file_offset);
- var limited_reader = std.io.limitedReader(stream.context.reader(), self.compressed_size);
- const crc = try decompress(
- self.compression_method,
- self.uncompressed_size,
- limited_reader.reader(),
- out_file.writer(),
- );
- if (limited_reader.bytes_left != 0)
- return error.ZipDecompressTruncated;
- return crc;
- }
- };
- };
-// returns true if `filename` starts with `root` followed by a forward slash
-fn filenameInRoot(filename: []const u8, root: []const u8) bool {
- return (filename.len >= root.len + 1) and
- (filename[root.len] == '/') and
- std.mem.eql(u8, filename[0..root.len], root);
-pub const Diagnostics = struct {
- allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
- /// The common root directory for all extracted files if there is one.
- root_dir: []const u8 = "",
- saw_first_file: bool = false,
- pub fn deinit(self: *Diagnostics) void {
- self.allocator.free(self.root_dir);
- self.* = undefined;
- }
- // This function assumes name is a filename from a zip file which has already been verified to
- // not start with a slash, backslashes have been normalized to forward slashes, and directories
- // always end in a slash.
- pub fn nextFilename(self: *Diagnostics, name: []const u8) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
- if (!self.saw_first_file) {
- self.saw_first_file = true;
- std.debug.assert(self.root_dir.len == 0);
- const root_len = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, name, '/') orelse return;
- std.debug.assert(root_len > 0);
- self.root_dir = try self.allocator.dupe(u8, name[0..root_len]);
- } else if (self.root_dir.len > 0) {
- if (!filenameInRoot(name, self.root_dir)) {
- self.allocator.free(self.root_dir);
- self.root_dir = "";
- }
- }
- }
-pub const ExtractOptions = struct {
- /// Allow filenames within the zip to use backslashes. Back slashes are normalized
- /// to forward slashes before forwarding them to platform APIs.
- allow_backslashes: bool = false,
- diagnostics: ?*Diagnostics = null,
-/// Extract the zipped files inside `seekable_stream` to the given `dest` directory.
-/// Note that `seekable_stream` must be an instance of `std.io.SeekabkeStream` and
-/// its context must also have a `.reader()` method that returns an instance of
-/// `std.io.Reader`.
-pub fn extract(dest: std.fs.Dir, seekable_stream: anytype, options: ExtractOptions) !void {
- const SeekableStream = @TypeOf(seekable_stream);
- var iter = try Iterator(SeekableStream).init(seekable_stream);
- var filename_buf: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
- while (try iter.next()) |entry| {
- const crc32 = try entry.extract(seekable_stream, options, &filename_buf, dest);
- if (crc32 != entry.crc32)
- return error.ZipCrcMismatch;
- if (options.diagnostics) |d| {
- try d.nextFilename(filename_buf[0..entry.filename_len]);
- }
- }
-fn testZip(options: ExtractOptions, comptime files: []const File, write_opt: testutil.WriteZipOptions) !void {
- var store: [files.len]FileStore = undefined;
- try testZipWithStore(options, files, write_opt, &store);
-fn testZipWithStore(
- options: ExtractOptions,
- test_files: []const File,
- write_opt: testutil.WriteZipOptions,
- store: []FileStore,
-) !void {
- var zip_buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZipWithStore(&zip_buf, test_files, write_opt, store);
- var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true });
- defer tmp.cleanup();
- try extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), options);
- try testutil.expectFiles(test_files, tmp.dir, .{});
-fn testZipError(expected_error: anyerror, file: File, options: ExtractOptions) !void {
- var zip_buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
- var store: [1]FileStore = undefined;
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZipWithStore(&zip_buf, &[_]File{file}, .{}, &store);
- var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true });
- defer tmp.cleanup();
- try testing.expectError(expected_error, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), options));
-test "zip one file" {
- try testZip(.{}, &[_]File{
- .{ .name = "onefile.txt", .content = "Just a single file\n", .compression = .store },
- }, .{});
-test "zip multiple files" {
- try testZip(.{ .allow_backslashes = true }, &[_]File{
- .{ .name = "foo", .content = "a foo file\n", .compression = .store },
- .{ .name = "subdir/bar", .content = "bar is this right?\nanother newline\n", .compression = .store },
- .{ .name = "subdir\\whoa", .content = "you can do backslashes", .compression = .store },
- .{ .name = "subdir/another/baz", .content = "bazzy mc bazzerson", .compression = .store },
- }, .{});
-test "zip deflated" {
- try testZip(.{}, &[_]File{
- .{ .name = "deflateme", .content = "This is a deflated file.\nIt should be smaller in the Zip file1\n", .compression = .deflate },
- // TODO: re-enable this if/when we add support for deflate64
- //.{ .name = "deflateme64", .content = "The 64k version of deflate!\n", .compression = .deflate64 },
- .{ .name = "raw", .content = "Not all files need to be deflated in the same Zip.\n", .compression = .store },
- }, .{});
-test "zip verify filenames" {
- // no empty filenames
- try testZipError(error.ZipBadFilename, .{ .name = "", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
- // no absolute paths
- try testZipError(error.ZipBadFilename, .{ .name = "/", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
- try testZipError(error.ZipBadFilename, .{ .name = "/foo", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
- try testZipError(error.ZipBadFilename, .{ .name = "/foo/bar", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
- // no '..' components
- try testZipError(error.ZipBadFilename, .{ .name = "..", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
- try testZipError(error.ZipBadFilename, .{ .name = "foo/..", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
- try testZipError(error.ZipBadFilename, .{ .name = "foo/bar/..", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
- try testZipError(error.ZipBadFilename, .{ .name = "foo/bar/../", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
- // no backslashes
- try testZipError(error.ZipFilenameHasBackslash, .{ .name = "foo\\bar", .content = "", .compression = .store }, .{});
-test "zip64" {
- const test_files = [_]File{
- .{ .name = "fram", .content = "fram foo fro fraba", .compression = .store },
- .{ .name = "subdir/barro", .content = "aljdk;jal;jfd;lajkf", .compression = .store },
- };
- try testZip(.{}, &test_files, .{
- .end = .{
- .zip64 = .{},
- .record_count_disk = std.math.maxInt(u16), // trigger zip64
- },
- });
- try testZip(.{}, &test_files, .{
- .end = .{
- .zip64 = .{},
- .record_count_total = std.math.maxInt(u16), // trigger zip64
- },
- });
- try testZip(.{}, &test_files, .{
- .end = .{
- .zip64 = .{},
- .record_count_disk = std.math.maxInt(u16), // trigger zip64
- .record_count_total = std.math.maxInt(u16), // trigger zip64
- },
- });
- try testZip(.{}, &test_files, .{
- .end = .{
- .zip64 = .{},
- .central_directory_size = std.math.maxInt(u32), // trigger zip64
- },
- });
- try testZip(.{}, &test_files, .{
- .end = .{
- .zip64 = .{},
- .central_directory_offset = std.math.maxInt(u32), // trigger zip64
- },
- });
-test "bad zip files" {
- var tmp = testing.tmpDir(.{ .no_follow = true });
- defer tmp.cleanup();
- var zip_buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
- const file_a = [_]File{.{ .name = "a", .content = "", .compression = .store }};
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &.{}, .{ .end = .{ .sig = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipNoEndRecord, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &.{}, .{ .end = .{ .comment_len = 1 } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipNoEndRecord, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &.{}, .{ .end = .{ .comment = "a", .comment_len = 0 } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipNoEndRecord, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &.{}, .{ .end = .{ .disk_number = 1 } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipMultiDiskUnsupported, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &.{}, .{ .end = .{ .central_directory_disk_number = 1 } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipMultiDiskUnsupported, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &.{}, .{ .end = .{ .record_count_disk = 1 } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipDiskRecordCountTooLarge, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &.{}, .{ .end = .{ .central_directory_size = 1 } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipCdOversized, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &file_a, .{ .end = .{ .central_directory_size = 0 } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipCdUndersized, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &file_a, .{ .end = .{ .central_directory_offset = 0 } });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipBadCdOffset, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
- {
- var fbs = try testutil.makeZip(&zip_buf, &file_a, .{
- .end = .{
- .zip64 = .{ .locator_sig = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } },
- .central_directory_size = std.math.maxInt(u32), // trigger 64
- },
- });
- try testing.expectError(error.ZipBadLocatorSig, extract(tmp.dir, fbs.seekableStream(), .{}));
- }
-const native_endian = @import("builtin").target.cpu.arch.endian();
-pub fn readStructEndian(reader: anytype, comptime T: type, endian: std.builtin.Endian) anyerror!T {
- var res = try reader.readStruct(T);
- if (native_endian != endian) {
- byteSwapAllFields(T, &res);
- }
- return res;
-pub fn byteSwapAllFields(comptime S: type, ptr: *S) void {
- switch (@typeInfo(S)) {
- .Struct => {
- inline for (std.meta.fields(S)) |f| {
- switch (@typeInfo(f.type)) {
- .Struct => |struct_info| if (struct_info.backing_integer) |Int| {
- @field(ptr, f.name) = @bitCast(@byteSwap(@as(Int, @bitCast(@field(ptr, f.name)))));
- } else {
- byteSwapAllFields(f.type, &@field(ptr, f.name));
- },
- .Array => byteSwapAllFields(f.type, &@field(ptr, f.name)),
- .Enum => {
- @field(ptr, f.name) = @enumFromInt(@byteSwap(@intFromEnum(@field(ptr, f.name))));
- },
- else => {
- @field(ptr, f.name) = @byteSwap(@field(ptr, f.name));
- },
- }
- }
- },
- .Array => {
- for (ptr) |*item| {
- switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(item.*))) {
- .Struct, .Array => byteSwapAllFields(@TypeOf(item.*), item),
- .Enum => {
- item.* = @enumFromInt(@byteSwap(@intFromEnum(item.*)));
- },
- else => {
- item.* = @byteSwap(item.*);
- },
- }
- }
- },
- else => @compileError("byteSwapAllFields expects a struct or array as the first argument"),
- }