const std = @import("std"); const Builder =; const Pkg =; const zigetbuild = @import("ziget-build-files-copy/build.zig"); // TODO: use this if/when we get @tryImport //const SslBackend = if (zigetbuild) zigetbuild.SslBackend else enum {}; const SslBackend = zigetbuild.SslBackend; fn unwrapOptionalBool(optionalBool: ?bool) bool { if (optionalBool) |b| return b; return false; } pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void { const ziget_repo = try (GitRepo { .url = "", .branch = null, .sha = @embedFile("zigetsha"), }).resolve(b.allocator); // TODO: implement this if/when we get @tryImport //if (zigetbuild) |_| { } else { // std.log.err("TODO: add zigetbuild package and recompile/reinvoke build.d", .{}); // return; //} var github_release_step = b.step("github-release", "Build the github-release binaries"); // TODO: need to implement some interesting logic to make this work without // having the iguana repo copied into this one //try addGithubReleaseExe(b, github_release_step, ziget_repo, "x86_64-linux", SslBackend.iguana); const ssl_backend = zigetbuild.getSslBackend(b); const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions(); const exe = try addZigupExe(b, ziget_repo, target, mode, ssl_backend); exe.install(); const run_cmd =; run_cmd.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep()); const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app"); run_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); addTest(b, exe, target, mode); } fn addTest(b: *Builder, exe: *, target: std.zig.CrossTarget, mode: std.builtin.Mode) void { const test_exe = b.addExecutable("test", "test.zig"); test_exe.setTarget(target); test_exe.setBuildMode(mode); const run_cmd =; // TODO: make this work, add exe install path as argument to test //run_cmd.addArg(exe.getInstallPath()); run_cmd.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep()); const test_step = b.step("test", "test the executable"); test_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); } fn addZigupExe(b: *Builder, ziget_repo: []const u8, target: std.zig.CrossTarget, mode: std.builtin.Mode, ssl_backend: ?SslBackend) !* { const require_ssl_backend = b.allocator.create(RequireSslBackendStep) catch unreachable; require_ssl_backend.* = RequireSslBackendStep.init(b, "the zigup exe", ssl_backend); const exe = b.addExecutable("zigup", "zigup.zig"); exe.setTarget(target); exe.setBuildMode(mode); const ziget_ssl_pkg = blk: { if (ssl_backend) |backend| { break :blk zigetbuild.addSslBackend(exe, backend, ziget_repo) catch |err| { const ssl_backend_failed = b.allocator.create(SslBackendFailedStep) catch unreachable; ssl_backend_failed.* = SslBackendFailedStep.init(b, "the zigup exe", backend); break :blk Pkg { .name = "missing-ssl-backend-files", .path = .{ .path = "missing-ssl-backend-files.zig" }, }; }; } break :blk Pkg { .name = "no-ssl-backend-configured", .path = .{ .path = "no-ssl-backend-configured.zig" }, }; }; exe.addPackage(Pkg { .name = "ziget", .path = .{ .path = try join(b, &[_][]const u8 { ziget_repo, "ziget.zig" }) }, .dependencies = &[_]Pkg {ziget_ssl_pkg}, }); exe.step.dependOn(&require_ssl_backend.step); return exe; } const SslBackendFailedStep = struct { step:, context: []const u8, backend: SslBackend, pub fn init(b: *Builder, context: []const u8, backend: SslBackend) SslBackendFailedStep { return .{ .step =, "SslBackendFailedStep", b.allocator, make), .context = context, .backend = backend, }; } fn make(step: * !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(RequireSslBackendStep, "step", step); std.debug.print("error: the {s} failed to add the {s} SSL backend\n", .{self.context, self.backend}); std.os.exit(1); } }; const RequireSslBackendStep = struct { step:, context: []const u8, backend: ?SslBackend, pub fn init(b: *Builder, context: []const u8, backend: ?SslBackend) RequireSslBackendStep { return .{ .step =, "RequireSslBackend", b.allocator, make), .context = context, .backend = backend, }; } fn make(step: * !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(RequireSslBackendStep, "step", step); if (self.backend) |_| { } else { std.debug.print("error: {s} requires an SSL backend:\n", .{self.context}); inline for (zigetbuild.ssl_backends) |field, i| { std.debug.print(" -D{s}\n", .{}); } std.os.exit(1); } } }; fn addGithubReleaseExe(b: *Builder, github_release_step: *, ziget_repo: []const u8, comptime target_triple: []const u8, comptime ssl_backend: SslBackend) !void { const small_release = true; const target = try std.zig.CrossTarget.parse(.{ .arch_os_abi = target_triple }); const mode = if (small_release) .ReleaseSafe else .Debug; const exe = try addZigupExe(b, ziget_repo, target, mode, ssl_backend); if (small_release) { exe.strip = true; } exe.setOutputDir("github-release" ++ std.fs.path.sep_str ++ target_triple ++ std.fs.path.sep_str ++ @tagName(ssl_backend)); github_release_step.dependOn(&exe.step); } fn join(b: *Builder, parts: []const []const u8) ![]const u8 { return try std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, parts); } pub const GitRepo = struct { url: []const u8, branch: ?[]const u8, sha: []const u8, path: ?[]const u8 = null, pub fn defaultReposDir(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) ![]const u8 { const cwd = try std.process.getCwdAlloc(allocator); defer; return try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8 { cwd, "dep" }); } pub fn resolve(self: GitRepo, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) ![]const u8 { var optional_repos_dir_to_clean: ?[]const u8 = null; defer { if (optional_repos_dir_to_clean) |p| {; } } const path = if (self.path) |p| try allocator.dupe(u8, p) else blk: { const repos_dir = try defaultReposDir(allocator); optional_repos_dir_to_clean = repos_dir; break :blk try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8{ repos_dir, std.fs.path.basename(self.url) }); }; errdefer; std.fs.accessAbsolute(path, std.fs.File.OpenFlags { .read = true }) catch |err| { std.debug.print("Error: repository '{s}' does not exist\n", .{path}); std.debug.print(" Run the following to clone it:\n", .{}); const branch_args = if (self.branch) |b| &[2][]const u8 {" -b ", b} else &[2][]const u8 {"", ""}; std.debug.print(" git clone {s}{s}{s} {s} && git -C {3s} checkout {s} -b for_zigup\n", .{self.url, branch_args[0], branch_args[1], path, self.sha}); std.os.exit(1); }; // TODO: check if the SHA matches an print a message and/or warning if it is different return path; } pub fn resolveOneFile(self: GitRepo, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, index_sub_path: []const u8) ![]const u8 { const repo_path = try self.resolve(allocator); defer; return try std.fs.path.join(allocator, &[_][]const u8 { repo_path, index_sub_path }); } };