const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const Builder =; const Pkg =; const GitRepoStep = @import("GitRepoStep.zig"); const loggyrunstep = @import("loggyrunstep.zig"); pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void { const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions(); const build_all_step = b.step("all", "Build ziget with all the 'enabled' backends"); const nossl_exe = addExe(b, target, mode, null, build_all_step); var ssl_exes: [ssl_backends.len]* = undefined; inline for (ssl_backends) |field, i| { const enum_value = @field(SslBackend,; ssl_exes[i] = addExe(b, target, mode, enum_value, build_all_step); } const test_all_step = b.step("test", "Run all the 'Enabled' tests"); addTest(b, test_all_step, "nossl", nossl_exe, null); inline for (ssl_backends) |field, i| { const enum_value = @field(SslBackend,; addTest(b, test_all_step,, ssl_exes[i], enum_value); } // by default, install zig-iguana const default_exe = ssl_exes[@enumToInt(SslBackend.iguana)]; b.getInstallStep().dependOn(&default_exe.install_step.?.step); const run_cmd =; run_cmd.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep()); if (b.args) |args| { run_cmd.addArgs(args); } const run_step = b.step("run", "Run ziget with the iguana backend"); run_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); } fn getEnabledByDefault(optional_ssl_backend: ?SslBackend) bool { return if (optional_ssl_backend) |backend| switch (backend) { .iguana => true, .schannel => false, // schannel not supported yet .opensslstatic => ( builtin.os.tag == .linux // or builtin.os.tag == .macos (not working yet, I think config is not working) ), .openssl => ( builtin.os.tag == .linux // or builtin.os.tag == .macos (not working yet, not sure why) ), } else true; } fn addExe( b: *Builder, target:, mode: std.builtin.Mode, comptime optional_ssl_backend: ?SslBackend, build_all_step: *, ) * { const info: struct { name: []const u8, exe_suffix: []const u8 } = if (optional_ssl_backend) |backend| .{ .name = @tagName(backend), .exe_suffix = if (backend == .iguana) "" else ("-" ++ @tagName(backend)), } else .{ .name = "nossl", .exe_suffix = "-nossl", }; const exe = b.addExecutable("ziget" ++ info.exe_suffix, "ziget-cmdline.zig"); exe.setTarget(target); exe.single_threaded = true; exe.setBuildMode(mode); addZigetPkg(exe, optional_ssl_backend, "."); const install = b.addInstallArtifact(exe); const enabled_by_default = getEnabledByDefault(optional_ssl_backend); if (enabled_by_default) { build_all_step.dependOn(&install.step); } const abled_suffix: []const u8 = if (enabled_by_default) "" else " (DISABLED BY DEFAULT)"; b.step(, b.fmt("Build ziget with the {s} backend{s}", .{, abled_suffix, })).dependOn( &install.step ); return exe; } fn addTest( b: *Builder, test_all_step: *, comptime backend_name: []const u8, exe: *, optional_ssl_backend: ?SslBackend, ) void { const enabled_by_default = getEnabledByDefault(optional_ssl_backend); const abled_suffix: []const u8 = if (enabled_by_default) "" else " (DISABLED BY DEFAULT)"; const test_backend_step = b.step( "test-" ++ backend_name, b.fmt("Test the {s} backend{s}", .{backend_name, abled_suffix}) ); { const run =; run.addArg(""); loggyrunstep.enable(run); test_backend_step.dependOn(&run.step); } if (optional_ssl_backend) |_| { { const run =; run.addArg(""); // NOTE: will redirect to HTTPS loggyrunstep.enable(run); test_backend_step.dependOn(&run.step); } { const run =; run.addArg(""); loggyrunstep.enable(run); test_backend_step.dependOn(&run.step); } } else { const run =; run.addArg(""); loggyrunstep.enable(run); test_backend_step.dependOn(&run.step); } if (getEnabledByDefault(optional_ssl_backend)) { test_all_step.dependOn(test_backend_step); } } pub const SslBackend = enum { openssl, opensslstatic, iguana, schannel, }; pub const ssl_backends = @typeInfo(SslBackend).Enum.fields; ///! Adds the ziget package to the given lib_exe_obj. ///! This function will add the necessary include directories, libraries, etc to be able to ///! include ziget and it's SSL backend dependencies into the given lib_exe_obj. pub fn addZigetPkg( lib_exe_obj: *, optional_ssl_backend: ?SslBackend, ziget_repo: []const u8, ) void { const b = lib_exe_obj.builder; const ziget_index = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { ziget_repo, "ziget.zig" }) catch unreachable; const ssl_pkg = if (optional_ssl_backend) |backend| addSslBackend(lib_exe_obj, backend, ziget_repo) else Pkg{ .name = "ssl", .path = .{ .path = "nossl/ssl.zig" } }; lib_exe_obj.addPackage(Pkg { .name = "ziget", .path = .{ .path = ziget_index }, .dependencies = &[_]Pkg {ssl_pkg}, }); } fn addSslBackend(lib_exe_obj: *, backend: SslBackend, ziget_repo: []const u8) Pkg { const b = lib_exe_obj.builder; switch (backend) { .openssl => { lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary("c"); if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) { lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary("libcrypto"); lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary("libssl"); setupOpensslWindows(lib_exe_obj); } else { lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary("crypto"); lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary("ssl"); } return Pkg{ .name = "ssl", .path = .{ .path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { ziget_repo, "openssl", "ssl.zig" }) catch unreachable} }; }, .opensslstatic => { const openssl_repo = GitRepoStep.create(b, .{ .url = "", .branch = "OpenSSL_1_1_1j", .sha = "52c587d60be67c337364b830dd3fdc15404a2f04", }); // TODO: should we implement something to cache the configuration? // can the configure output be in a different directory? { const configure_openssl =, "configure openssl"); configure_openssl.step.dependOn(&openssl_repo.step); configure_openssl.cwd = openssl_repo.getPath(&configure_openssl.step); configure_openssl.addArgs(&[_][]const u8 { "./config", // just a temporary path for now //"--openssl", //"/tmp/ziget-openssl-static-dir1", "-static", // just disable everything for now "no-threads", "no-shared", "no-asm", "no-sse2", "no-aria", "no-bf", "no-camellia", "no-cast", "no-des", "no-dh", "no-dsa", "no-ec", "no-idea", "no-md2", "no-mdc2", "no-rc2", "no-rc4", "no-rc5", "no-seed", "no-sm2", "no-sm3", "no-sm4", }); configure_openssl.stdout_action = .{ .expect_matches = &[_][]const u8 { "OpenSSL has been successfully configured" }, }; const make_openssl =, "configure openssl"); make_openssl.cwd = configure_openssl.cwd; make_openssl.addArgs(&[_][]const u8 { "make", "include/openssl/opensslconf.h", "include/crypto/bn_conf.h", "include/crypto/dso_conf.h", }); make_openssl.step.dependOn(&configure_openssl.step); lib_exe_obj.step.dependOn(&make_openssl.step); } const openssl_repo_path_for_step = openssl_repo.getPath(&lib_exe_obj.step); lib_exe_obj.addIncludeDir(openssl_repo_path_for_step); lib_exe_obj.addIncludeDir(std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { openssl_repo_path_for_step, "include" }) catch unreachable); lib_exe_obj.addIncludeDir(std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { openssl_repo_path_for_step, "crypto", "modes" }) catch unreachable); const cflags = &[_][]const u8 { "-Wall", // TODO: is this the right way to do this? is it a config option? "-DOPENSSL_NO_ENGINE", // TODO: --openssldir doesn't seem to be setting this? "-DOPENSSLDIR=\"/tmp/ziget-openssl-static-dir2\"", }; { const sources = @embedFile("openssl/sources"); var source_lines = std.mem.split(u8, sources, "\n"); while ( |src| { if (src.len == 0 or src[0] == '#') continue; lib_exe_obj.addCSourceFile(std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { openssl_repo_path_for_step, src }) catch unreachable, cflags); } } lib_exe_obj.linkLibC(); return Pkg{ .name = "ssl", .path = .{ .path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { ziget_repo, "openssl", "ssl.zig" }) catch unreachable}, }; }, .iguana => { const iguana_repo = GitRepoStep.create(b, .{ .url = "", .branch = null, .sha = "f997c1085470f2414a4bbc50ea170e1da82058ab", }); lib_exe_obj.step.dependOn(&iguana_repo.step); const iguana_repo_path = iguana_repo.getPath(&lib_exe_obj.step); const iguana_index_file = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 {iguana_repo_path, "src", "main.zig"}) catch unreachable; return b.dupePkg(Pkg{ .name = "ssl", .path = .{ .path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { ziget_repo, "iguana", "ssl.zig" }) catch unreachable }, .dependencies = &[_]Pkg { .{ .name = "iguana", .path = .{ .path = iguana_index_file } }, }, }); }, .schannel => { { // NOTE: for now I'm using msspi from // I'll probably port this to Zig at some point // Once I do remove this build config // NOTE: I tested using this commit: 7338760a4a2c6fb80c47b24a2abba32d5fc40635 tagged at version 0.1.42 const msspi_repo = GitRepoStep.create(b, .{ .url = "", .branch = "0.1.42", .sha = "7338760a4a2c6fb80c47b24a2abba32d5fc40635" }); lib_exe_obj.step.dependOn(&msspi_repo.step); const msspi_repo_path = msspi_repo.getPath(&lib_exe_obj.step); const msspi_src_dir = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { msspi_repo_path, "src" }) catch unreachable; const msspi_main_cpp = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { msspi_src_dir, "msspi.cpp" }) catch unreachable; const msspi_third_party_include = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { msspi_repo_path, "third_party", "cprocsp", "include" }) catch unreachable; lib_exe_obj.addCSourceFile(msspi_main_cpp, &[_][]const u8 { }); lib_exe_obj.addIncludeDir(msspi_src_dir); lib_exe_obj.addIncludeDir(msspi_third_party_include); lib_exe_obj.linkLibC(); lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary("ws2_32"); lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary("crypt32"); lib_exe_obj.linkSystemLibrary("advapi32"); } // TODO: this will be needed if/when msspi is ported to Zig //const zigwin32_index_file = try getGitRepoFile(b.allocator, // "", // "src" ++ std.fs.path.sep_str ++ "win32.zig"); return b.dupePkg(.{ .name = "ssl", .path = .{ .path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 { ziget_repo, "schannel", "ssl.zig" }) catch unreachable }, //.dependencies = &[_]Pkg { // .{ .name = "win32", .path = .{ .path = zigwin32_index_file } }, //}, }); } } } const OpensslPathOption = struct { // NOTE: I can't use ??[]const u8 because it exposes a bug in the compiler is_cached: bool = false, cached: ?[]const u8 = undefined, fn get(self: *OpensslPathOption, b: * ?[]const u8 { if (!self.is_cached) { self.cached = b.option( []const u8, "openssl-path", "path to openssl (for Windows)", ); self.is_cached = true; } std.debug.assert(self.is_cached); return self.cached; } }; var global_openssl_path_option = OpensslPathOption { }; pub fn setupOpensslWindows(lib_exe_obj: * void { const b = lib_exe_obj.builder; const openssl_path = global_openssl_path_option.get(b) orelse { lib_exe_obj.step.dependOn(&FailStep.create(b, "missing openssl-path", "-Dopenssl on windows requires -Dopenssl-path=DIR to be specified").step); return; }; // NOTE: right now these files are hardcoded to the files expected when installing SSL via // this web page: and installed using // this exe installer: lib_exe_obj.addIncludeDir(std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 {openssl_path, "include"}) catch unreachable); lib_exe_obj.addLibPath(std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 {openssl_path, "lib"}) catch unreachable); // install dlls to the same directory as executable for ([_][]const u8 {"libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll", "libssl-1_1-x64.dll"}) |dll| { lib_exe_obj.step.dependOn( &b.addInstallFileWithDir( .{ .path = std.fs.path.join(b.allocator, &[_][]const u8 {openssl_path, dll}) catch unreachable }, .bin, dll, ).step ); } } const FailStep = struct { step:, fail_msg: []const u8, pub fn create(b: *Builder, name: []const u8, fail_msg: []const u8) *FailStep { var result = b.allocator.create(FailStep) catch unreachable; result.* = .{ .step =, name, b.allocator, make), .fail_msg = fail_msg, }; return result; } fn make(step: * !void { const self = @fieldParentPtr(FailStep, "step", step); std.log.err("{s}", .{self.fail_msg}); std.os.exit(0xff); } };