# zigup Download and manage zig compilers. # Usage ``` # fetch a compiler and set it as the default zigup zigup master zigup 0.6.0 # fetch a compiler only (do not set it as default) zigup fetch zigup fetch master # print the default compiler version zigup default # set the default compiler zigup default # list the installed compiler versions zigup list # clean compilers that are not the default, not master, and not marked to keep. when a version is specified, it will clean that version zigup clean [] # mark a compiler to keep zigup keep # run a specific version of the compiler zigup run ... ``` # How the compilers are managed zigup stores each compiler in a global "install directory" in a versioned subdirectory. On posix systems the "install directory" is `$HOME/zig` and on windows the install directory will be a directory named "zig" in the same directory as the "zigup.exe". zigup makes the zig program available by creating an entry in a directory that occurs in the `PATH` environment variable. On posix systems this entry is a symlink to one of the `zig` executables in the install directory. On windows this is an executable that forwards invocations to one of the `zig` executables in the install directory. Both the "install directory" and "path link" are configurable through command-line options `--install-dir` and `--path-link` respectively. # Building Run `zig build` to build, `zig build test` to test and install with: ``` # install to a bin directory with cp zig-out/bin/zigup BIN_PATH ``` # Building Zigup Zigup is currently built/tested using zig 0.11.0. # TODO * set/remove compiler in current environment without overriding the system-wide version. # Dependencies On linux and macos, zigup depends on `tar` to extract the compiler archive files (this may change in the future).