/* libs/opengles/matrix.cpp ** ** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "context.h" #include "fp.h" #include "state.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "vertex.h" #include "light.h" #if defined(__arm__) && defined(__thumb__) #warning "matrix.cpp should not be compiled in thumb on ARM." #endif #define I(_i, _j) ((_j)+ 4*(_i)) namespace android { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const GLfloat gIdentityf[16] = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 }; static const matrixx_t gIdentityx = { { 0x10000,0,0,0, 0,0x10000,0,0, 0,0,0x10000,0, 0,0,0,0x10000 } }; static void point2__nop(transform_t const*, vec4_t* c, vec4_t const* o); static void point3__nop(transform_t const*, vec4_t* c, vec4_t const* o); static void point4__nop(transform_t const*, vec4_t* c, vec4_t const* o); static void point2__generic(transform_t const*, vec4_t* c, vec4_t const* o); static void point3__generic(transform_t const*, vec4_t* c, vec4_t const* o); static void point4__generic(transform_t const*, vec4_t* c, vec4_t const* o); static void point3__mvui(transform_t const*, vec4_t* c, vec4_t const* o); static void point4__mvui(transform_t const*, vec4_t* c, vec4_t const* o); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #endif void ogles_init_matrix(ogles_context_t* c) { c->transforms.modelview.init(OGLES_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH); c->transforms.projection.init(OGLES_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH); for (int i=0; itransforms.texture[i].init(OGLES_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH); c->transforms.current = &c->transforms.modelview; c->transforms.matrixMode = GL_MODELVIEW; c->transforms.dirty = transform_state_t::VIEWPORT | transform_state_t::MVUI | transform_state_t::MVIT | transform_state_t::MVP; c->transforms.mvp.loadIdentity(); c->transforms.mvp4.loadIdentity(); c->transforms.mvit4.loadIdentity(); c->transforms.mvui.loadIdentity(); c->transforms.vpt.loadIdentity(); c->transforms.vpt.zNear = 0.0f; c->transforms.vpt.zFar = 1.0f; } void ogles_uninit_matrix(ogles_context_t* c) { c->transforms.modelview.uninit(); c->transforms.projection.uninit(); for (int i=0; itransforms.texture[i].uninit(); } static void validate_perspective(ogles_context_t* c, vertex_t* v) { const uint32_t enables = c->rasterizer.state.enables; c->arrays.perspective = (c->clipPlanes.enable) ? ogles_vertex_clipAllPerspective3D : ogles_vertex_perspective3D; if (enables & (GGL_ENABLE_DEPTH_TEST|GGL_ENABLE_FOG)) { c->arrays.perspective = ogles_vertex_perspective3DZ; if (c->clipPlanes.enable || (enables&GGL_ENABLE_FOG)) c->arrays.perspective = ogles_vertex_clipAllPerspective3DZ; } if ((c->arrays.vertex.size != 4) && (c->transforms.mvp4.flags & transform_t::FLAGS_2D_PROJECTION)) { c->arrays.perspective = ogles_vertex_perspective2D; } c->arrays.perspective(c, v); } void ogles_invalidate_perspective(ogles_context_t* c) { c->arrays.perspective = validate_perspective; } void ogles_validate_transform_impl(ogles_context_t* c, uint32_t want) { int dirty = c->transforms.dirty & want; // Validate the modelview if (dirty & transform_state_t::MODELVIEW) { c->transforms.modelview.validate(); } // Validate the projection stack (in fact, it's never needed) if (dirty & transform_state_t::PROJECTION) { c->transforms.projection.validate(); } // Validate the viewport transformation if (dirty & transform_state_t::VIEWPORT) { vp_transform_t& vpt = c->transforms.vpt; vpt.transform.matrix.load(vpt.matrix); vpt.transform.picker(); } // We need to update the mvp (used to transform each vertex) if (dirty & transform_state_t::MVP) { c->transforms.update_mvp(); // invalidate perspective (divide by W) and view volume clipping ogles_invalidate_perspective(c); } // Validate the mvui (for normal transformation) if (dirty & transform_state_t::MVUI) { c->transforms.update_mvui(); ogles_invalidate_lighting_mvui(c); } // Validate the texture stack if (dirty & transform_state_t::TEXTURE) { for (int i=0; itransforms.texture[i].validate(); } // Validate the mvit4 (user-clip planes) if (dirty & transform_state_t::MVIT) { c->transforms.update_mvit(); } c->transforms.dirty &= ~want; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #pragma mark transform_t #endif void transform_t::loadIdentity() { matrix = gIdentityx; flags = 0; ops = OP_IDENTITY; point2 = point2__nop; point3 = point3__nop; point4 = point4__nop; } static inline int notZero(GLfixed v) { return abs(v) & ~0x3; } static inline int notOne(GLfixed v) { return notZero(v - 0x10000); } void transform_t::picker() { const GLfixed* const m = matrix.m; // XXX: picker needs to be smarter flags = 0; ops = OP_ALL; point2 = point2__generic; point3 = point3__generic; point4 = point4__generic; // find out if this is a 2D projection if (!(notZero(m[3]) | notZero(m[7]) | notZero(m[11]) | notOne(m[15]))) { flags |= FLAGS_2D_PROJECTION; } } void mvui_transform_t::picker() { flags = 0; ops = OP_ALL; point3 = point3__mvui; point4 = point4__mvui; } void transform_t::dump(const char* what) { GLfixed const * const m = matrix.m; ALOGD("%s:", what); for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) ALOGD("[%08x %08x %08x %08x] [%f %f %f %f]\n", m[I(0,i)], m[I(1,i)], m[I(2,i)], m[I(3,i)], fixedToFloat(m[I(0,i)]), fixedToFloat(m[I(1,i)]), fixedToFloat(m[I(2,i)]), fixedToFloat(m[I(3,i)])); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #pragma mark matrixx_t #endif void matrixx_t::load(const matrixf_t& rhs) { GLfixed* xp = m; GLfloat const* fp = rhs.elements(); unsigned int i = 16; do { const GLfloat f = *fp++; *xp++ = isZerof(f) ? 0 : gglFloatToFixed(f); } while (--i); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #pragma mark matrixf_t #endif void matrixf_t::multiply(matrixf_t& r, const matrixf_t& lhs, const matrixf_t& rhs) { GLfloat const* const m = lhs.m; for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { const float rhs_i0 = rhs.m[ I(i,0) ]; float ri0 = m[ I(0,0) ] * rhs_i0; float ri1 = m[ I(0,1) ] * rhs_i0; float ri2 = m[ I(0,2) ] * rhs_i0; float ri3 = m[ I(0,3) ] * rhs_i0; for (int j=1 ; j<4 ; j++) { const float rhs_ij = rhs.m[ I(i,j) ]; ri0 += m[ I(j,0) ] * rhs_ij; ri1 += m[ I(j,1) ] * rhs_ij; ri2 += m[ I(j,2) ] * rhs_ij; ri3 += m[ I(j,3) ] * rhs_ij; } r.m[ I(i,0) ] = ri0; r.m[ I(i,1) ] = ri1; r.m[ I(i,2) ] = ri2; r.m[ I(i,3) ] = ri3; } } void matrixf_t::dump(const char* what) { ALOGD("%s", what); ALOGD("[ %9f %9f %9f %9f ]", m[I(0,0)], m[I(1,0)], m[I(2,0)], m[I(3,0)]); ALOGD("[ %9f %9f %9f %9f ]", m[I(0,1)], m[I(1,1)], m[I(2,1)], m[I(3,1)]); ALOGD("[ %9f %9f %9f %9f ]", m[I(0,2)], m[I(1,2)], m[I(2,2)], m[I(3,2)]); ALOGD("[ %9f %9f %9f %9f ]", m[I(0,3)], m[I(1,3)], m[I(2,3)], m[I(3,3)]); } void matrixf_t::loadIdentity() { memcpy(m, gIdentityf, sizeof(m)); } void matrixf_t::set(const GLfixed* rhs) { load(rhs); } void matrixf_t::set(const GLfloat* rhs) { load(rhs); } void matrixf_t::load(const GLfixed* rhs) { GLfloat* fp = m; unsigned int i = 16; do { *fp++ = fixedToFloat(*rhs++); } while (--i); } void matrixf_t::load(const GLfloat* rhs) { memcpy(m, rhs, sizeof(m)); } void matrixf_t::load(const matrixf_t& rhs) { operator = (rhs); } void matrixf_t::multiply(const matrixf_t& rhs) { matrixf_t r; multiply(r, *this, rhs); operator = (r); } void matrixf_t::translate(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { m[12+i] += m[i]*x + m[4+i]*y + m[8+i]*z; } } void matrixf_t::scale(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { m[ i] *= x; m[4+i] *= y; m[8+i] *= z; } } void matrixf_t::rotate(GLfloat a, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { matrixf_t rotation; GLfloat* r = rotation.m; GLfloat c, s; r[3] = 0; r[7] = 0; r[11]= 0; r[12]= 0; r[13]= 0; r[14]= 0; r[15]= 1; a *= GLfloat(M_PI / 180.0f); sincosf(a, &s, &c); if (isOnef(x) && isZerof(y) && isZerof(z)) { r[5] = c; r[10]= c; r[6] = s; r[9] = -s; r[1] = 0; r[2] = 0; r[4] = 0; r[8] = 0; r[0] = 1; } else if (isZerof(x) && isOnef(y) && isZerof(z)) { r[0] = c; r[10]= c; r[8] = s; r[2] = -s; r[1] = 0; r[4] = 0; r[6] = 0; r[9] = 0; r[5] = 1; } else if (isZerof(x) && isZerof(y) && isOnef(z)) { r[0] = c; r[5] = c; r[1] = s; r[4] = -s; r[2] = 0; r[6] = 0; r[8] = 0; r[9] = 0; r[10]= 1; } else { const GLfloat len = sqrtf(x*x + y*y + z*z); if (!isOnef(len)) { const GLfloat recipLen = reciprocalf(len); x *= recipLen; y *= recipLen; z *= recipLen; } const GLfloat nc = 1.0f - c; const GLfloat xy = x * y; const GLfloat yz = y * z; const GLfloat zx = z * x; const GLfloat xs = x * s; const GLfloat ys = y * s; const GLfloat zs = z * s; r[ 0] = x*x*nc + c; r[ 4] = xy*nc - zs; r[ 8] = zx*nc + ys; r[ 1] = xy*nc + zs; r[ 5] = y*y*nc + c; r[ 9] = yz*nc - xs; r[ 2] = zx*nc - ys; r[ 6] = yz*nc + xs; r[10] = z*z*nc + c; } multiply(rotation); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #pragma mark matrix_stack_t #endif void matrix_stack_t::init(int depth) { stack = new matrixf_t[depth]; ops = new uint8_t[depth]; maxDepth = depth; depth = 0; dirty = 0; loadIdentity(); } void matrix_stack_t::uninit() { delete [] stack; delete [] ops; } void matrix_stack_t::loadIdentity() { transform.loadIdentity(); stack[depth].loadIdentity(); ops[depth] = OP_IDENTITY; } void matrix_stack_t::load(const GLfixed* rhs) { memcpy(transform.matrix.m, rhs, sizeof(transform.matrix.m)); stack[depth].load(rhs); ops[depth] = OP_ALL; // TODO: we should look at the matrix } void matrix_stack_t::load(const GLfloat* rhs) { stack[depth].load(rhs); ops[depth] = OP_ALL; // TODO: we should look at the matrix } void matrix_stack_t::multiply(const matrixf_t& rhs) { stack[depth].multiply(rhs); ops[depth] = OP_ALL; // TODO: we should look at the matrix } void matrix_stack_t::translate(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { stack[depth].translate(x,y,z); ops[depth] |= OP_TRANSLATE; } void matrix_stack_t::scale(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { stack[depth].scale(x,y,z); if (x==y && y==z) { ops[depth] |= OP_UNIFORM_SCALE; } else { ops[depth] |= OP_SCALE; } } void matrix_stack_t::rotate(GLfloat a, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { stack[depth].rotate(a,x,y,z); ops[depth] |= OP_ROTATE; } void matrix_stack_t::validate() { if (dirty & DO_FLOAT_TO_FIXED) { transform.matrix.load(top()); } if (dirty & DO_PICKER) { transform.picker(); } dirty = 0; } GLint matrix_stack_t::push() { if (depth >= (maxDepth-1)) { return GL_STACK_OVERFLOW; } stack[depth+1] = stack[depth]; ops[depth+1] = ops[depth]; depth++; return 0; } GLint matrix_stack_t::pop() { if (depth == 0) { return GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW; } depth--; return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #pragma mark vp_transform_t #endif void vp_transform_t::loadIdentity() { transform.loadIdentity(); matrix.loadIdentity(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #pragma mark transform_state_t #endif void transform_state_t::invalidate() { switch (matrixMode) { case GL_MODELVIEW: dirty |= MODELVIEW | MVP | MVUI | MVIT; break; case GL_PROJECTION: dirty |= PROJECTION | MVP; break; case GL_TEXTURE: dirty |= TEXTURE | MVP; break; } current->dirty = matrix_stack_t::DO_PICKER | matrix_stack_t::DO_FLOAT_TO_FIXED; } void transform_state_t::update_mvp() { matrixf_t temp_mvp; matrixf_t::multiply(temp_mvp, projection.top(), modelview.top()); mvp4.matrix.load(temp_mvp); mvp4.picker(); if (mvp4.flags & transform_t::FLAGS_2D_PROJECTION) { // the mvp matrix doesn't transform W, in this case we can // premultiply it with the viewport transformation. In addition to // being more efficient, this is also much more accurate and in fact // is needed for 2D drawing with a resulting 1:1 mapping. matrixf_t mvpv; matrixf_t::multiply(mvpv, vpt.matrix, temp_mvp); mvp.matrix.load(mvpv); mvp.picker(); } else { mvp = mvp4; } } static __attribute__((noinline)) void invert(GLfloat* inverse, const GLfloat* src) { double t; int i, j, k, swap; GLfloat tmp[4][4]; memcpy(inverse, gIdentityf, sizeof(gIdentityf)); memcpy(tmp, src, sizeof(GLfloat)*16); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // look for largest element in column swap = i; for (j = i + 1; j < 4; j++) { if (fabs(tmp[j][i]) > fabs(tmp[i][i])) { swap = j; } } if (swap != i) { /* swap rows. */ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { t = tmp[i][k]; tmp[i][k] = tmp[swap][k]; tmp[swap][k] = t; t = inverse[i*4+k]; inverse[i*4+k] = inverse[swap*4+k]; inverse[swap*4+k] = t; } } t = 1.0f / tmp[i][i]; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { tmp[i][k] *= t; inverse[i*4+k] *= t; } for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (j != i) { t = tmp[j][i]; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { tmp[j][k] -= tmp[i][k]*t; inverse[j*4+k] -= inverse[i*4+k]*t; } } } } } void transform_state_t::update_mvit() { GLfloat r[16]; const GLfloat* const mv = modelview.top().elements(); invert(r, mv); // convert to fixed-point and transpose GLfixed* const x = mvit4.matrix.m; for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) for (int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++) x[I(i,j)] = gglFloatToFixed(r[I(j,i)]); mvit4.picker(); } void transform_state_t::update_mvui() { GLfloat r[16]; const GLfloat* const mv = modelview.top().elements(); /* When evaluating the lighting equation in eye-space, normals are transformed by the upper 3x3 modelview inverse-transpose. http://www.opengl.org/documentation/specs/version1.1/glspec1.1/node26.html (note that inverse-transpose is distributive). Also note that: l(obj) = inv(modelview).l(eye) for local light l(obj) = tr(modelview).l(eye) for infinite light */ invert(r, mv); GLfixed* const x = mvui.matrix.m; #if OBJECT_SPACE_LIGHTING for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) for (int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++) x[I(i,j)] = gglFloatToFixed(r[I(i,j)]); #else for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) for (int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++) x[I(i,j)] = gglFloatToFixed(r[I(j,i)]); #endif mvui.picker(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // transformation and matrices API // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #pragma mark transformation and matrices API #endif int ogles_surfaceport(ogles_context_t* c, GLint x, GLint y) { c->viewport.surfaceport.x = x; c->viewport.surfaceport.y = y; ogles_viewport(c, c->viewport.x, c->viewport.y, c->viewport.w, c->viewport.h); ogles_scissor(c, c->viewport.scissor.x, c->viewport.scissor.y, c->viewport.scissor.w, c->viewport.scissor.h); return 0; } void ogles_scissor(ogles_context_t* c, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei w, GLsizei h) { if ((w|h) < 0) { ogles_error(c, GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } c->viewport.scissor.x = x; c->viewport.scissor.y = y; c->viewport.scissor.w = w; c->viewport.scissor.h = h; x += c->viewport.surfaceport.x; y += c->viewport.surfaceport.y; y = c->rasterizer.state.buffers.color.height - (y + h); c->rasterizer.procs.scissor(c, x, y, w, h); } void ogles_viewport(ogles_context_t* c, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei w, GLsizei h) { if ((w|h)<0) { ogles_error(c, GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } c->viewport.x = x; c->viewport.y = y; c->viewport.w = w; c->viewport.h = h; x += c->viewport.surfaceport.x; y += c->viewport.surfaceport.y; GLint H = c->rasterizer.state.buffers.color.height; GLfloat sx = div2f(w); GLfloat ox = sx + x; GLfloat sy = div2f(h); GLfloat oy = sy - y + (H - h); GLfloat near = c->transforms.vpt.zNear; GLfloat far = c->transforms.vpt.zFar; GLfloat A = div2f(far - near); GLfloat B = div2f(far + near); // compute viewport matrix GLfloat* const f = c->transforms.vpt.matrix.editElements(); f[0] = sx; f[4] = 0; f[ 8] = 0; f[12] = ox; f[1] = 0; f[5] =-sy; f[ 9] = 0; f[13] = oy; f[2] = 0; f[6] = 0; f[10] = A; f[14] = B; f[3] = 0; f[7] = 0; f[11] = 0; f[15] = 1; c->transforms.dirty |= transform_state_t::VIEWPORT; if (c->transforms.mvp4.flags & transform_t::FLAGS_2D_PROJECTION) c->transforms.dirty |= transform_state_t::MVP; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 #pragma mark - #pragma mark matrix * vertex #endif void point2__generic(transform_t const* mx, vec4_t* lhs, vec4_t const* rhs) { const GLfixed* const m = mx->matrix.m; const GLfixed rx = rhs->x; const GLfixed ry = rhs->y; lhs->x = mla2a(rx, m[ 0], ry, m[ 4], m[12]); lhs->y = mla2a(rx, m[ 1], ry, m[ 5], m[13]); lhs->z = mla2a(rx, m[ 2], ry, m[ 6], m[14]); lhs->w = mla2a(rx, m[ 3], ry, m[ 7], m[15]); } void point3__generic(transform_t const* mx, vec4_t* lhs, vec4_t const* rhs) { const GLfixed* const m = mx->matrix.m; const GLfixed rx = rhs->x; const GLfixed ry = rhs->y; const GLfixed rz = rhs->z; lhs->x = mla3a(rx, m[ 0], ry, m[ 4], rz, m[ 8], m[12]); lhs->y = mla3a(rx, m[ 1], ry, m[ 5], rz, m[ 9], m[13]); lhs->z = mla3a(rx, m[ 2], ry, m[ 6], rz, m[10], m[14]); lhs->w = mla3a(rx, m[ 3], ry, m[ 7], rz, m[11], m[15]); } void point4__generic(transform_t const* mx, vec4_t* lhs, vec4_t const* rhs) { const GLfixed* const m = mx->matrix.m; const GLfixed rx = rhs->x; const GLfixed ry = rhs->y; const GLfixed rz = rhs->z; const GLfixed rw = rhs->w; lhs->x = mla4(rx, m[ 0], ry, m[ 4], rz, m[ 8], rw, m[12]); lhs->y = mla4(rx, m[ 1], ry, m[ 5], rz, m[ 9], rw, m[13]); lhs->z = mla4(rx, m[ 2], ry, m[ 6], rz, m[10], rw, m[14]); lhs->w = mla4(rx, m[ 3], ry, m[ 7], rz, m[11], rw, m[15]); } void point3__mvui(transform_t const* mx, vec4_t* lhs, vec4_t const* rhs) { // this is used for transforming light positions back to object space. // w is used as a switch for directional lights, so we need // to preserve it. const GLfixed* const m = mx->matrix.m; const GLfixed rx = rhs->x; const GLfixed ry = rhs->y; const GLfixed rz = rhs->z; lhs->x = mla3(rx, m[ 0], ry, m[ 4], rz, m[ 8]); lhs->y = mla3(rx, m[ 1], ry, m[ 5], rz, m[ 9]); lhs->z = mla3(rx, m[ 2], ry, m[ 6], rz, m[10]); lhs->w = 0; } void point4__mvui(transform_t const* mx, vec4_t* lhs, vec4_t const* rhs) { // this is used for transforming light positions back to object space. // w is used as a switch for directional lights, so we need // to preserve it. const GLfixed* const m = mx->matrix.m; const GLfixed rx = rhs->x; const GLfixed ry = rhs->y; const GLfixed rz = rhs->z; const GLfixed rw = rhs->w; lhs->x = mla4(rx, m[ 0], ry, m[ 4], rz, m[ 8], rw, m[12]); lhs->y = mla4(rx, m[ 1], ry, m[ 5], rz, m[ 9], rw, m[13]); lhs->z = mla4(rx, m[ 2], ry, m[ 6], rz, m[10], rw, m[14]); lhs->w = rw; } void point2__nop(transform_t const*, vec4_t* lhs, vec4_t const* rhs) { lhs->z = 0; lhs->w = 0x10000; if (lhs != rhs) { lhs->x = rhs->x; lhs->y = rhs->y; } } void point3__nop(transform_t const*, vec4_t* lhs, vec4_t const* rhs) { lhs->w = 0x10000; if (lhs != rhs) { lhs->x = rhs->x; lhs->y = rhs->y; lhs->z = rhs->z; } } void point4__nop(transform_t const*, vec4_t* lhs, vec4_t const* rhs) { if (lhs != rhs) *lhs = *rhs; } static void frustumf( GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar, ogles_context_t* c) { if (cmpf(left,right) || cmpf(top, bottom) || cmpf(zNear, zFar) || isZeroOrNegativef(zNear) || isZeroOrNegativef(zFar)) { ogles_error(c, GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } const GLfloat r_width = reciprocalf(right - left); const GLfloat r_height = reciprocalf(top - bottom); const GLfloat r_depth = reciprocalf(zNear - zFar); const GLfloat x = mul2f(zNear * r_width); const GLfloat y = mul2f(zNear * r_height); const GLfloat A = mul2f((right + left) * r_width); const GLfloat B = (top + bottom) * r_height; const GLfloat C = (zFar + zNear) * r_depth; const GLfloat D = mul2f(zFar * zNear * r_depth); GLfloat f[16]; f[ 0] = x; f[ 5] = y; f[ 8] = A; f[ 9] = B; f[10] = C; f[14] = D; f[11] = -1.0f; f[ 1] = f[ 2] = f[ 3] = f[ 4] = f[ 6] = f[ 7] = f[12] = f[13] = f[15] = 0.0f; matrixf_t rhs; rhs.set(f); c->transforms.current->multiply(rhs); c->transforms.invalidate(); } static void orthof( GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar, ogles_context_t* c) { if (cmpf(left,right) || cmpf(top, bottom) || cmpf(zNear, zFar)) { ogles_error(c, GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } const GLfloat r_width = reciprocalf(right - left); const GLfloat r_height = reciprocalf(top - bottom); const GLfloat r_depth = reciprocalf(zFar - zNear); const GLfloat x = mul2f(r_width); const GLfloat y = mul2f(r_height); const GLfloat z = -mul2f(r_depth); const GLfloat tx = -(right + left) * r_width; const GLfloat ty = -(top + bottom) * r_height; const GLfloat tz = -(zFar + zNear) * r_depth; GLfloat f[16]; f[ 0] = x; f[ 5] = y; f[10] = z; f[12] = tx; f[13] = ty; f[14] = tz; f[15] = 1.0f; f[ 1] = f[ 2] = f[ 3] = f[ 4] = f[ 6] = f[ 7] = f[ 8] = f[ 9] = f[11] = 0.0f; matrixf_t rhs; rhs.set(f); c->transforms.current->multiply(rhs); c->transforms.invalidate(); } static void depthRangef(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar, ogles_context_t* c) { zNear = clampToZerof(zNear > 1 ? 1 : zNear); zFar = clampToZerof(zFar > 1 ? 1 : zFar); GLfloat* const f = c->transforms.vpt.matrix.editElements(); f[10] = div2f(zFar - zNear); f[14] = div2f(zFar + zNear); c->transforms.dirty |= transform_state_t::VIEWPORT; c->transforms.vpt.zNear = zNear; c->transforms.vpt.zFar = zFar; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // namespace android using namespace android; void glMatrixMode(GLenum mode) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); matrix_stack_t* stack = 0; switch (mode) { case GL_MODELVIEW: stack = &c->transforms.modelview; break; case GL_PROJECTION: stack = &c->transforms.projection; break; case GL_TEXTURE: stack = &c->transforms.texture[c->textures.active]; break; default: ogles_error(c, GL_INVALID_ENUM); return; } c->transforms.matrixMode = mode; c->transforms.current = stack; } void glLoadIdentity() { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->loadIdentity(); // also loads the GLfixed transform c->transforms.invalidate(); c->transforms.current->dirty = 0; } void glLoadMatrixf(const GLfloat* m) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->load(m); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glLoadMatrixx(const GLfixed* m) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->load(m); // also loads the GLfixed transform c->transforms.invalidate(); c->transforms.current->dirty &= ~matrix_stack_t::DO_FLOAT_TO_FIXED; } void glMultMatrixf(const GLfloat* m) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); matrixf_t rhs; rhs.set(m); c->transforms.current->multiply(rhs); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glMultMatrixx(const GLfixed* m) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); matrixf_t rhs; rhs.set(m); c->transforms.current->multiply(rhs); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glPopMatrix() { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); GLint err = c->transforms.current->pop(); if (ggl_unlikely(err)) { ogles_error(c, err); return; } c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glPushMatrix() { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); GLint err = c->transforms.current->push(); if (ggl_unlikely(err)) { ogles_error(c, err); return; } c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glFrustumf( GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); frustumf(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar, c); } void glFrustumx( GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); frustumf( fixedToFloat(left), fixedToFloat(right), fixedToFloat(bottom), fixedToFloat(top), fixedToFloat(zNear), fixedToFloat(zFar), c); } void glOrthof( GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); orthof(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar, c); } void glOrthox( GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); orthof( fixedToFloat(left), fixedToFloat(right), fixedToFloat(bottom), fixedToFloat(top), fixedToFloat(zNear), fixedToFloat(zFar), c); } void glRotatef(GLfloat a, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->rotate(a, x, y, z); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glRotatex(GLfixed a, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->rotate( fixedToFloat(a), fixedToFloat(x), fixedToFloat(y), fixedToFloat(z)); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glScalef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->scale(x, y, z); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glScalex(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->scale( fixedToFloat(x), fixedToFloat(y), fixedToFloat(z)); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glTranslatef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->translate(x, y, z); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glTranslatex(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->transforms.current->translate( fixedToFloat(x), fixedToFloat(y), fixedToFloat(z)); c->transforms.invalidate(); } void glScissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei w, GLsizei h) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); ogles_scissor(c, x, y, w, h); } void glViewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei w, GLsizei h) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); ogles_viewport(c, x, y, w, h); } void glDepthRangef(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); depthRangef(zNear, zFar, c); } void glDepthRangex(GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); depthRangef(fixedToFloat(zNear), fixedToFloat(zFar), c); } void glPolygonOffsetx(GLfixed factor, GLfixed units) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->polygonOffset.factor = factor; c->polygonOffset.units = units; } void glPolygonOffset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); c->polygonOffset.factor = gglFloatToFixed(factor); c->polygonOffset.units = gglFloatToFixed(units); } GLbitfield glQueryMatrixxOES(GLfixed* m, GLint* e) { ogles_context_t* c = ogles_context_t::get(); GLbitfield status = 0; GLfloat const* f = c->transforms.current->top().elements(); for (int i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) { if (isnan(f[i]) || isinf(f[i])) { status |= 1<