123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865 |
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- #include <frameworks/native/cmds/surfacereplayer/proto/src/trace.pb.h>
- #include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include <android/native_window.h>
- #include <gui/ISurfaceComposer.h>
- #include <gui/LayerState.h>
- #include <gui/Surface.h>
- #include <gui/SurfaceComposerClient.h>
- #include <private/gui/ComposerService.h>
- #include <ui/DisplayInfo.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <random>
- #include <thread>
- namespace android {
- using Transaction = SurfaceComposerClient::Transaction;
- constexpr int32_t SCALING_UPDATE = 1;
- constexpr uint32_t BUFFER_UPDATES = 18;
- constexpr uint32_t LAYER_UPDATE = INT_MAX - 2;
- constexpr uint32_t SIZE_UPDATE = 134;
- constexpr uint32_t STACK_UPDATE = 1;
- constexpr uint64_t DEFERRED_UPDATE = 0;
- constexpr float ALPHA_UPDATE = 0.29f;
- constexpr float CORNER_RADIUS_UPDATE = 0.2f;
- constexpr float POSITION_UPDATE = 121;
- const Rect CROP_UPDATE(16, 16, 32, 32);
- const String8 DISPLAY_NAME("SurfaceInterceptor Display Test");
- constexpr auto TEST_SURFACE_NAME = "BG Interceptor Test Surface";
- constexpr auto UNIQUE_TEST_SURFACE_NAME = "BG Interceptor Test Surface#0";
- constexpr auto LAYER_NAME = "Layer Create and Delete Test";
- constexpr auto UNIQUE_LAYER_NAME = "Layer Create and Delete Test#0";
- constexpr auto DEFAULT_FILENAME = "/data/SurfaceTrace.dat";
- // Fill an RGBA_8888 formatted surface with a single color.
- static void fillSurfaceRGBA8(const sp<SurfaceControl>& sc, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
- ANativeWindow_Buffer outBuffer;
- sp<Surface> s = sc->getSurface();
- ASSERT_TRUE(s != nullptr);
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, s->lock(&outBuffer, nullptr));
- uint8_t* img = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(outBuffer.bits);
- for (int y = 0; y < outBuffer.height; y++) {
- for (int x = 0; x < outBuffer.width; x++) {
- uint8_t* pixel = img + (4 * (y*outBuffer.stride + x));
- pixel[0] = r;
- pixel[1] = g;
- pixel[2] = b;
- pixel[3] = 255;
- }
- }
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, s->unlockAndPost());
- }
- static status_t readProtoFile(Trace* trace) {
- status_t err = NO_ERROR;
- int fd = open(DEFAULT_FILENAME, O_RDONLY);
- {
- google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream f(fd);
- if (fd && !trace->ParseFromZeroCopyStream(&f)) {
- }
- }
- close(fd);
- return err;
- }
- static void enableInterceptor() {
- system("service call SurfaceFlinger 1020 i32 1 > /dev/null");
- }
- static void disableInterceptor() {
- system("service call SurfaceFlinger 1020 i32 0 > /dev/null");
- }
- int32_t getSurfaceId(const Trace& capturedTrace, const std::string& surfaceName) {
- int32_t layerId = 0;
- for (const auto& increment : capturedTrace.increment()) {
- if (increment.increment_case() == increment.kSurfaceCreation) {
- if (increment.surface_creation().name() == surfaceName) {
- layerId = increment.surface_creation().id();
- }
- }
- }
- return layerId;
- }
- int32_t getDisplayId(const Trace& capturedTrace, const std::string& displayName) {
- int32_t displayId = 0;
- for (const auto& increment : capturedTrace.increment()) {
- if (increment.increment_case() == increment.kDisplayCreation) {
- if (increment.display_creation().name() == displayName) {
- displayId = increment.display_creation().id();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return displayId;
- }
- class SurfaceInterceptorTest : public ::testing::Test {
- protected:
- void SetUp() override {
- // Allow SurfaceInterceptor write to /data
- system("setenforce 0");
- mComposerClient = new SurfaceComposerClient;
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, mComposerClient->initCheck());
- }
- void TearDown() override {
- mComposerClient->dispose();
- mBGSurfaceControl.clear();
- mComposerClient.clear();
- }
- sp<SurfaceComposerClient> mComposerClient;
- sp<SurfaceControl> mBGSurfaceControl;
- int32_t mBGLayerId;
- public:
- using TestTransactionAction = void (SurfaceInterceptorTest::*)(Transaction&);
- using TestAction = void (SurfaceInterceptorTest::*)();
- using TestBooleanVerification = bool (SurfaceInterceptorTest::*)(const Trace&);
- using TestVerification = void (SurfaceInterceptorTest::*)(const Trace&);
- void setupBackgroundSurface();
- void preProcessTrace(const Trace& trace);
- // captureTest will enable SurfaceInterceptor, setup background surface,
- // disable SurfaceInterceptor, collect the trace and process the trace for
- // id of background surface before further verification.
- void captureTest(TestTransactionAction action, TestBooleanVerification verification);
- void captureTest(TestTransactionAction action, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase changeCase);
- void captureTest(TestTransactionAction action, Increment::IncrementCase incrementCase);
- void captureTest(TestAction action, TestBooleanVerification verification);
- void captureTest(TestAction action, TestVerification verification);
- void runInTransaction(TestTransactionAction action);
- // Verification of changes to a surface
- bool positionUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundPosition);
- bool sizeUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundSize);
- bool alphaUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundAlpha);
- bool layerUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundLayer);
- bool cropUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundCrop);
- bool cornerRadiusUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundCornerRadius);
- bool matrixUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundMatrix);
- bool scalingModeUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundScalingMode);
- bool transparentRegionHintUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundTransparentRegion);
- bool layerStackUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundLayerStack);
- bool hiddenFlagUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundHiddenFlag);
- bool opaqueFlagUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundOpaqueFlag);
- bool secureFlagUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundSecureFlag);
- bool deferredTransactionUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundDeferred);
- bool surfaceUpdateFound(const Trace& trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase changeCase);
- // Find all of the updates in the single trace
- void assertAllUpdatesFound(const Trace& trace);
- // Verification of creation and deletion of a surface
- bool surfaceCreationFound(const Increment& increment, bool foundSurface);
- bool surfaceDeletionFound(const Increment& increment, const int32_t targetId,
- bool foundSurface);
- bool displayCreationFound(const Increment& increment, bool foundDisplay);
- bool displayDeletionFound(const Increment& increment, const int32_t targetId,
- bool foundDisplay);
- bool singleIncrementFound(const Trace& trace, Increment::IncrementCase incrementCase);
- // Verification of buffer updates
- bool bufferUpdatesFound(const Trace& trace);
- // Perform each of the possible changes to a surface
- void positionUpdate(Transaction&);
- void sizeUpdate(Transaction&);
- void alphaUpdate(Transaction&);
- void layerUpdate(Transaction&);
- void cropUpdate(Transaction&);
- void cornerRadiusUpdate(Transaction&);
- void matrixUpdate(Transaction&);
- void overrideScalingModeUpdate(Transaction&);
- void transparentRegionHintUpdate(Transaction&);
- void layerStackUpdate(Transaction&);
- void hiddenFlagUpdate(Transaction&);
- void opaqueFlagUpdate(Transaction&);
- void secureFlagUpdate(Transaction&);
- void deferredTransactionUpdate(Transaction&);
- void surfaceCreation(Transaction&);
- void displayCreation(Transaction&);
- void displayDeletion(Transaction&);
- void nBufferUpdates();
- void runAllUpdates();
- private:
- void captureInTransaction(TestTransactionAction action, Trace*);
- void capture(TestAction action, Trace*);
- };
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::captureInTransaction(TestTransactionAction action, Trace* outTrace) {
- enableInterceptor();
- setupBackgroundSurface();
- runInTransaction(action);
- disableInterceptor();
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, readProtoFile(outTrace));
- preProcessTrace(*outTrace);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::capture(TestAction action, Trace* outTrace) {
- enableInterceptor();
- setupBackgroundSurface();
- (this->*action)();
- disableInterceptor();
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, readProtoFile(outTrace));
- preProcessTrace(*outTrace);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::setupBackgroundSurface() {
- const auto display = SurfaceComposerClient::getInternalDisplayToken();
- ASSERT_FALSE(display == nullptr);
- DisplayInfo info;
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, SurfaceComposerClient::getDisplayInfo(display, &info));
- ssize_t displayWidth = info.w;
- ssize_t displayHeight = info.h;
- // Background surface
- mBGSurfaceControl = mComposerClient->createSurface(
- String8(TEST_SURFACE_NAME), displayWidth, displayHeight,
- ASSERT_TRUE(mBGSurfaceControl != nullptr);
- ASSERT_TRUE(mBGSurfaceControl->isValid());
- Transaction t;
- t.setDisplayLayerStack(display, 0);
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, t.setLayer(mBGSurfaceControl, INT_MAX-3)
- .show(mBGSurfaceControl)
- .apply());
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::preProcessTrace(const Trace& trace) {
- mBGLayerId = getSurfaceId(trace, UNIQUE_TEST_SURFACE_NAME);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::captureTest(TestTransactionAction action,
- TestBooleanVerification verification) {
- Trace capturedTrace;
- captureInTransaction(action, &capturedTrace);
- ASSERT_TRUE((this->*verification)(capturedTrace));
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::captureTest(TestTransactionAction action,
- Increment::IncrementCase incrementCase) {
- Trace capturedTrace;
- captureInTransaction(action, &capturedTrace);
- ASSERT_TRUE(singleIncrementFound(capturedTrace, incrementCase));
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::captureTest(TestTransactionAction action,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase changeCase) {
- Trace capturedTrace;
- captureInTransaction(action, &capturedTrace);
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(capturedTrace, changeCase));
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::captureTest(TestAction action, TestBooleanVerification verification) {
- Trace capturedTrace;
- capture(action, &capturedTrace);
- ASSERT_TRUE((this->*verification)(capturedTrace));
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::captureTest(TestAction action, TestVerification verification) {
- Trace capturedTrace;
- capture(action, &capturedTrace);
- (this->*verification)(capturedTrace);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::runInTransaction(TestTransactionAction action) {
- Transaction t;
- (this->*action)(t);
- t.apply(true);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::positionUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setPosition(mBGSurfaceControl, POSITION_UPDATE, POSITION_UPDATE);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::sizeUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setSize(mBGSurfaceControl, SIZE_UPDATE, SIZE_UPDATE);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::alphaUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setAlpha(mBGSurfaceControl, ALPHA_UPDATE);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::cornerRadiusUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setCornerRadius(mBGSurfaceControl, CORNER_RADIUS_UPDATE);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::layerUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setLayer(mBGSurfaceControl, LAYER_UPDATE);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::cropUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setCrop_legacy(mBGSurfaceControl, CROP_UPDATE);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::matrixUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setMatrix(mBGSurfaceControl, M_SQRT1_2, M_SQRT1_2, -M_SQRT1_2, M_SQRT1_2);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::overrideScalingModeUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setOverrideScalingMode(mBGSurfaceControl, SCALING_UPDATE);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::transparentRegionHintUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- Region region(CROP_UPDATE);
- t.setTransparentRegionHint(mBGSurfaceControl, region);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::layerStackUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setLayerStack(mBGSurfaceControl, STACK_UPDATE);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::hiddenFlagUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setFlags(mBGSurfaceControl, layer_state_t::eLayerHidden, layer_state_t::eLayerHidden);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::opaqueFlagUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setFlags(mBGSurfaceControl, layer_state_t::eLayerOpaque, layer_state_t::eLayerOpaque);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::secureFlagUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.setFlags(mBGSurfaceControl, layer_state_t::eLayerSecure, layer_state_t::eLayerSecure);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::deferredTransactionUpdate(Transaction& t) {
- t.deferTransactionUntil_legacy(mBGSurfaceControl, mBGSurfaceControl->getHandle(),
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::displayCreation(Transaction&) {
- sp<IBinder> testDisplay = SurfaceComposerClient::createDisplay(DISPLAY_NAME, true);
- SurfaceComposerClient::destroyDisplay(testDisplay);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::displayDeletion(Transaction&) {
- sp<IBinder> testDisplay = SurfaceComposerClient::createDisplay(DISPLAY_NAME, false);
- SurfaceComposerClient::destroyDisplay(testDisplay);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::runAllUpdates() {
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::positionUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::sizeUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::alphaUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::cornerRadiusUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::layerUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::cropUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::matrixUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::overrideScalingModeUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::transparentRegionHintUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::layerStackUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::hiddenFlagUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::opaqueFlagUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::secureFlagUpdate);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::deferredTransactionUpdate);
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::surfaceCreation(Transaction&) {
- mComposerClient->createSurface(String8(LAYER_NAME), SIZE_UPDATE, SIZE_UPDATE,
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::nBufferUpdates() {
- std::random_device rd;
- std::mt19937_64 gen(rd());
- // This makes testing fun
- std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t> dis;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < BUFFER_UPDATES; ++i) {
- fillSurfaceRGBA8(mBGSurfaceControl, dis(gen), dis(gen), dis(gen));
- }
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::positionUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundPosition) {
- // There should only be one position transaction with x and y = POSITION_UPDATE
- bool hasX(change.position().x() == POSITION_UPDATE);
- bool hasY(change.position().y() == POSITION_UPDATE);
- if (hasX && hasY && !foundPosition) {
- foundPosition = true;
- } else if (hasX && hasY && foundPosition) {
- // Failed because the position update was found a second time
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundPosition;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::sizeUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundSize) {
- bool hasWidth(change.size().h() == SIZE_UPDATE);
- bool hasHeight(change.size().w() == SIZE_UPDATE);
- if (hasWidth && hasHeight && !foundSize) {
- foundSize = true;
- } else if (hasWidth && hasHeight && foundSize) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundSize;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::alphaUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundAlpha) {
- bool hasAlpha(change.alpha().alpha() == ALPHA_UPDATE);
- if (hasAlpha && !foundAlpha) {
- foundAlpha = true;
- } else if (hasAlpha && foundAlpha) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundAlpha;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::cornerRadiusUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange &change,
- bool foundCornerRadius) {
- bool hasCornerRadius(change.corner_radius().corner_radius() == CORNER_RADIUS_UPDATE);
- if (hasCornerRadius && !foundCornerRadius) {
- foundCornerRadius = true;
- } else if (hasCornerRadius && foundCornerRadius) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundCornerRadius;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::layerUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundLayer) {
- bool hasLayer(change.layer().layer() == LAYER_UPDATE);
- if (hasLayer && !foundLayer) {
- foundLayer = true;
- } else if (hasLayer && foundLayer) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundLayer;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::cropUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundCrop) {
- bool hasLeft(change.crop().rectangle().left() == CROP_UPDATE.left);
- bool hasTop(change.crop().rectangle().top() == CROP_UPDATE.top);
- bool hasRight(change.crop().rectangle().right() == CROP_UPDATE.right);
- bool hasBottom(change.crop().rectangle().bottom() == CROP_UPDATE.bottom);
- if (hasLeft && hasRight && hasTop && hasBottom && !foundCrop) {
- foundCrop = true;
- } else if (hasLeft && hasRight && hasTop && hasBottom && foundCrop) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundCrop;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::matrixUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change, bool foundMatrix) {
- bool hasSx((float)change.matrix().dsdx() == (float)M_SQRT1_2);
- bool hasTx((float)change.matrix().dtdx() == (float)M_SQRT1_2);
- bool hasSy((float)change.matrix().dsdy() == (float)M_SQRT1_2);
- bool hasTy((float)change.matrix().dtdy() == (float)-M_SQRT1_2);
- if (hasSx && hasTx && hasSy && hasTy && !foundMatrix) {
- foundMatrix = true;
- } else if (hasSx && hasTx && hasSy && hasTy && foundMatrix) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundMatrix;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::scalingModeUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change,
- bool foundScalingMode) {
- bool hasScalingUpdate(change.override_scaling_mode().override_scaling_mode() == SCALING_UPDATE);
- if (hasScalingUpdate && !foundScalingMode) {
- foundScalingMode = true;
- } else if (hasScalingUpdate && foundScalingMode) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundScalingMode;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::transparentRegionHintUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change,
- bool foundTransparentRegion) {
- auto traceRegion = change.transparent_region_hint().region(0);
- bool hasLeft(traceRegion.left() == CROP_UPDATE.left);
- bool hasTop(traceRegion.top() == CROP_UPDATE.top);
- bool hasRight(traceRegion.right() == CROP_UPDATE.right);
- bool hasBottom(traceRegion.bottom() == CROP_UPDATE.bottom);
- if (hasLeft && hasRight && hasTop && hasBottom && !foundTransparentRegion) {
- foundTransparentRegion = true;
- } else if (hasLeft && hasRight && hasTop && hasBottom && foundTransparentRegion) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundTransparentRegion;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::layerStackUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change,
- bool foundLayerStack) {
- bool hasLayerStackUpdate(change.layer_stack().layer_stack() == STACK_UPDATE);
- if (hasLayerStackUpdate && !foundLayerStack) {
- foundLayerStack = true;
- } else if (hasLayerStackUpdate && foundLayerStack) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundLayerStack;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::hiddenFlagUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change,
- bool foundHiddenFlag) {
- bool hasHiddenFlag(change.hidden_flag().hidden_flag());
- if (hasHiddenFlag && !foundHiddenFlag) {
- foundHiddenFlag = true;
- } else if (hasHiddenFlag && foundHiddenFlag) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundHiddenFlag;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::opaqueFlagUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change,
- bool foundOpaqueFlag) {
- bool hasOpaqueFlag(change.opaque_flag().opaque_flag());
- if (hasOpaqueFlag && !foundOpaqueFlag) {
- foundOpaqueFlag = true;
- } else if (hasOpaqueFlag && foundOpaqueFlag) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundOpaqueFlag;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::secureFlagUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change,
- bool foundSecureFlag) {
- bool hasSecureFlag(change.secure_flag().secure_flag());
- if (hasSecureFlag && !foundSecureFlag) {
- foundSecureFlag = true;
- } else if (hasSecureFlag && foundSecureFlag) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundSecureFlag;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::deferredTransactionUpdateFound(const SurfaceChange& change,
- bool foundDeferred) {
- bool hasId(change.deferred_transaction().layer_id() == mBGLayerId);
- bool hasFrameNumber(change.deferred_transaction().frame_number() == DEFERRED_UPDATE);
- if (hasId && hasFrameNumber && !foundDeferred) {
- foundDeferred = true;
- } else if (hasId && hasFrameNumber && foundDeferred) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundDeferred;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::surfaceUpdateFound(const Trace& trace,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase changeCase) {
- bool foundUpdate = false;
- for (const auto& increment : trace.increment()) {
- if (increment.increment_case() == increment.kTransaction) {
- for (const auto& change : increment.transaction().surface_change()) {
- if (change.id() == mBGLayerId && change.SurfaceChange_case() == changeCase) {
- switch (changeCase) {
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kPosition:
- // foundUpdate is sent for the tests to fail on duplicated increments
- foundUpdate = positionUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kSize:
- foundUpdate = sizeUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kAlpha:
- foundUpdate = alphaUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kLayer:
- foundUpdate = layerUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kCrop:
- foundUpdate = cropUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kCornerRadius:
- foundUpdate = cornerRadiusUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kMatrix:
- foundUpdate = matrixUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kOverrideScalingMode:
- foundUpdate = scalingModeUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kTransparentRegionHint:
- foundUpdate = transparentRegionHintUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kLayerStack:
- foundUpdate = layerStackUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kHiddenFlag:
- foundUpdate = hiddenFlagUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kOpaqueFlag:
- foundUpdate = opaqueFlagUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kSecureFlag:
- foundUpdate = secureFlagUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kDeferredTransaction:
- foundUpdate = deferredTransactionUpdateFound(change, foundUpdate);
- break;
- case SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::SURFACECHANGE_NOT_SET:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return foundUpdate;
- }
- void SurfaceInterceptorTest::assertAllUpdatesFound(const Trace& trace) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kPosition));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kSize));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kAlpha));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kLayer));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kCrop));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kMatrix));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kOverrideScalingMode));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kTransparentRegionHint));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kLayerStack));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kHiddenFlag));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kOpaqueFlag));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kSecureFlag));
- ASSERT_TRUE(surfaceUpdateFound(trace, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kDeferredTransaction));
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::surfaceCreationFound(const Increment& increment, bool foundSurface) {
- bool isMatch(increment.surface_creation().name() == UNIQUE_LAYER_NAME &&
- increment.surface_creation().w() == SIZE_UPDATE &&
- increment.surface_creation().h() == SIZE_UPDATE);
- if (isMatch && !foundSurface) {
- foundSurface = true;
- } else if (isMatch && foundSurface) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundSurface;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::surfaceDeletionFound(const Increment& increment,
- const int32_t targetId, bool foundSurface) {
- bool isMatch(increment.surface_deletion().id() == targetId);
- if (isMatch && !foundSurface) {
- foundSurface = true;
- } else if (isMatch && foundSurface) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundSurface;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::displayCreationFound(const Increment& increment, bool foundDisplay) {
- bool isMatch(increment.display_creation().name() == DISPLAY_NAME.string() &&
- increment.display_creation().is_secure());
- if (isMatch && !foundDisplay) {
- foundDisplay = true;
- } else if (isMatch && foundDisplay) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundDisplay;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::displayDeletionFound(const Increment& increment,
- const int32_t targetId, bool foundDisplay) {
- bool isMatch(increment.display_deletion().id() == targetId);
- if (isMatch && !foundDisplay) {
- foundDisplay = true;
- } else if (isMatch && foundDisplay) {
- [] () { FAIL(); }();
- }
- return foundDisplay;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::singleIncrementFound(const Trace& trace,
- Increment::IncrementCase incrementCase) {
- bool foundIncrement = false;
- for (const auto& increment : trace.increment()) {
- if (increment.increment_case() == incrementCase) {
- int32_t targetId = 0;
- switch (incrementCase) {
- case Increment::IncrementCase::kSurfaceCreation:
- foundIncrement = surfaceCreationFound(increment, foundIncrement);
- break;
- case Increment::IncrementCase::kSurfaceDeletion:
- // Find the id of created surface.
- targetId = getSurfaceId(trace, UNIQUE_LAYER_NAME);
- foundIncrement = surfaceDeletionFound(increment, targetId, foundIncrement);
- break;
- case Increment::IncrementCase::kDisplayCreation:
- foundIncrement = displayCreationFound(increment, foundIncrement);
- break;
- case Increment::IncrementCase::kDisplayDeletion:
- // Find the id of created display.
- targetId = getDisplayId(trace, DISPLAY_NAME.string());
- foundIncrement = displayDeletionFound(increment, targetId, foundIncrement);
- break;
- default:
- /* code */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return foundIncrement;
- }
- bool SurfaceInterceptorTest::bufferUpdatesFound(const Trace& trace) {
- uint32_t updates = 0;
- for (const auto& inc : trace.increment()) {
- if (inc.increment_case() == inc.kBufferUpdate && inc.buffer_update().id() == mBGLayerId) {
- updates++;
- }
- }
- return updates == BUFFER_UPDATES;
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptPositionUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::positionUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kPosition);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptSizeUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::sizeUpdate, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kSize);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptAlphaUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::alphaUpdate, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kAlpha);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptLayerUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::layerUpdate, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kLayer);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptCropUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::cropUpdate, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kCrop);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptCornerRadiusUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::cornerRadiusUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kCornerRadius);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptMatrixUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::matrixUpdate, SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kMatrix);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptOverrideScalingModeUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::overrideScalingModeUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kOverrideScalingMode);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptTransparentRegionHintUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::transparentRegionHintUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kTransparentRegionHint);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptLayerStackUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::layerStackUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kLayerStack);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptHiddenFlagUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::hiddenFlagUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kHiddenFlag);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptOpaqueFlagUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::opaqueFlagUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kOpaqueFlag);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptSecureFlagUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::secureFlagUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kSecureFlag);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptDeferredTransactionUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::deferredTransactionUpdate,
- SurfaceChange::SurfaceChangeCase::kDeferredTransaction);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptAllUpdatesWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::runAllUpdates,
- &SurfaceInterceptorTest::assertAllUpdatesFound);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptSurfaceCreationWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::surfaceCreation,
- Increment::IncrementCase::kSurfaceCreation);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptDisplayCreationWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::displayCreation,
- Increment::IncrementCase::kDisplayCreation);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptDisplayDeletionWorks) {
- enableInterceptor();
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::displayDeletion);
- disableInterceptor();
- Trace capturedTrace;
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, readProtoFile(&capturedTrace));
- ASSERT_TRUE(singleIncrementFound(capturedTrace, Increment::IncrementCase::kDisplayDeletion));
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptBufferUpdateWorks) {
- captureTest(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::nBufferUpdates,
- &SurfaceInterceptorTest::bufferUpdatesFound);
- }
- // If the interceptor is enabled while buffer updates are being pushed, the interceptor should
- // first create a snapshot of the existing displays and surfaces and then start capturing
- // the buffer updates
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptWhileBufferUpdatesWorks) {
- setupBackgroundSurface();
- std::thread bufferUpdates(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::nBufferUpdates, this);
- enableInterceptor();
- disableInterceptor();
- bufferUpdates.join();
- Trace capturedTrace;
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, readProtoFile(&capturedTrace));
- const auto& firstIncrement = capturedTrace.mutable_increment(0);
- ASSERT_EQ(firstIncrement->increment_case(), Increment::IncrementCase::kDisplayCreation);
- }
- TEST_F(SurfaceInterceptorTest, InterceptSimultaneousUpdatesWorks) {
- enableInterceptor();
- setupBackgroundSurface();
- std::thread bufferUpdates(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::nBufferUpdates, this);
- std::thread surfaceUpdates(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::runAllUpdates, this);
- runInTransaction(&SurfaceInterceptorTest::surfaceCreation);
- bufferUpdates.join();
- surfaceUpdates.join();
- disableInterceptor();
- Trace capturedTrace;
- ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, readProtoFile(&capturedTrace));
- preProcessTrace(capturedTrace);
- assertAllUpdatesFound(capturedTrace);
- ASSERT_TRUE(bufferUpdatesFound(capturedTrace));
- ASSERT_TRUE(singleIncrementFound(capturedTrace, Increment::IncrementCase::kSurfaceCreation));
- }
- }