123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300 |
- //
- // Copyright 2015 Google, Inc.
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- //
- #include <base/macros.h>
- #include <gmock/gmock.h>
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include "service/adapter.h"
- #include "service/hal/fake_bluetooth_gatt_interface.h"
- #include "service/low_energy_client.h"
- #include "stack/include/bt_types.h"
- #include "stack/include/hcidefs.h"
- #include "test/mock_adapter.h"
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Return;
- using ::testing::Pointee;
- using ::testing::DoAll;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- namespace bluetooth {
- namespace {
- class MockGattHandler
- : public hal::FakeBluetoothGattInterface::TestClientHandler {
- public:
- MockGattHandler(){};
- ~MockGattHandler() override = default;
- MOCK_METHOD1(RegisterClient, bt_status_t(const bluetooth::Uuid&));
- MOCK_METHOD1(UnregisterClient, bt_status_t(int));
- MOCK_METHOD4(Connect, bt_status_t(int, const RawAddress&, bool, int));
- MOCK_METHOD3(Disconnect, bt_status_t(int, const RawAddress&, int));
- private:
- };
- class TestDelegate : public LowEnergyClient::Delegate {
- public:
- TestDelegate() : connection_state_count_(0), last_mtu_(0) {}
- ~TestDelegate() override = default;
- int connection_state_count() const { return connection_state_count_; }
- void OnConnectionState(LowEnergyClient* client, int status,
- const char* address, bool connected) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(client);
- connection_state_count_++;
- }
- void OnMtuChanged(LowEnergyClient* client, int status, const char* address,
- int mtu) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(client);
- last_mtu_ = mtu;
- }
- private:
- int connection_state_count_;
- int last_mtu_;
- };
- class LowEnergyClientTest : public ::testing::Test {
- public:
- LowEnergyClientTest() = default;
- ~LowEnergyClientTest() override = default;
- void SetUp() override {
- // Only set |mock_handler_| if a test hasn't set it.
- if (!mock_handler_) mock_handler_.reset(new MockGattHandler());
- fake_hal_gatt_iface_ = new hal::FakeBluetoothGattInterface(
- nullptr, nullptr,
- std::static_pointer_cast<
- hal::FakeBluetoothGattInterface::TestClientHandler>(mock_handler_),
- nullptr);
- hal::BluetoothGattInterface::InitializeForTesting(fake_hal_gatt_iface_);
- ble_factory_.reset(new LowEnergyClientFactory(mock_adapter_));
- }
- void TearDown() override {
- ble_factory_.reset();
- hal::BluetoothGattInterface::CleanUp();
- }
- protected:
- hal::FakeBluetoothGattInterface* fake_hal_gatt_iface_;
- testing::MockAdapter mock_adapter_;
- std::shared_ptr<MockGattHandler> mock_handler_;
- std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyClientFactory> ble_factory_;
- private:
- };
- // Used for tests that operate on a pre-registered client.
- class LowEnergyClientPostRegisterTest : public LowEnergyClientTest {
- public:
- LowEnergyClientPostRegisterTest() : next_client_id_(0) {}
- ~LowEnergyClientPostRegisterTest() override = default;
- void SetUp() override {
- LowEnergyClientTest::SetUp();
- auto callback = [&](std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyClient> client) {
- le_client_ = std::move(client);
- };
- RegisterTestClient(callback);
- }
- void TearDown() override {
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_handler_, UnregisterClient(_))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS));
- le_client_.reset();
- LowEnergyClientTest::TearDown();
- }
- void RegisterTestClient(
- const std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyClient> client)>
- callback) {
- Uuid uuid = Uuid::GetRandom();
- auto api_callback = [&](BLEStatus status, const Uuid& in_uuid,
- std::unique_ptr<BluetoothInstance> in_client) {
- CHECK(in_uuid == uuid);
- CHECK(in_client.get());
- callback(std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyClient>(
- static_cast<LowEnergyClient*>(in_client.release())));
- };
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_handler_, RegisterClient(_))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS));
- ble_factory_->RegisterInstance(uuid, api_callback);
- fake_hal_gatt_iface_->NotifyRegisterClientCallback(0, next_client_id_++,
- uuid);
- ::testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_handler_.get());
- }
- protected:
- std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyClient> le_client_;
- private:
- int next_client_id_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LowEnergyClientPostRegisterTest);
- };
- TEST_F(LowEnergyClientTest, RegisterInstance) {
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_handler_, RegisterClient(_))
- .Times(2)
- .WillOnce(Return(BT_STATUS_FAIL))
- .WillOnce(Return(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS));
- // These will be asynchronously populated with a result when the callback
- // executes.
- BLEStatus status = BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
- Uuid cb_uuid;
- std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyClient> client;
- int callback_count = 0;
- auto callback = [&](BLEStatus in_status, const Uuid& uuid,
- std::unique_ptr<BluetoothInstance> in_client) {
- status = in_status;
- cb_uuid = uuid;
- client = std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyClient>(
- static_cast<LowEnergyClient*>(in_client.release()));
- callback_count++;
- };
- Uuid uuid0 = Uuid::GetRandom();
- // HAL returns failure.
- EXPECT_FALSE(ble_factory_->RegisterInstance(uuid0, callback));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, callback_count);
- // HAL returns success.
- EXPECT_TRUE(ble_factory_->RegisterInstance(uuid0, callback));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, callback_count);
- // Calling twice with the same Uuid should fail with no additional call into
- // the stack.
- EXPECT_FALSE(ble_factory_->RegisterInstance(uuid0, callback));
- ::testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_handler_.get());
- // Call with a different Uuid while one is pending.
- Uuid uuid1 = Uuid::GetRandom();
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_handler_, RegisterClient(_))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ble_factory_->RegisterInstance(uuid1, callback));
- // Trigger callback with an unknown Uuid. This should get ignored.
- Uuid uuid2 = Uuid::GetRandom();
- fake_hal_gatt_iface_->NotifyRegisterClientCallback(0, 0, uuid2);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, callback_count);
- // |uuid0| succeeds.
- int client_if0 = 2; // Pick something that's not 0.
- fake_hal_gatt_iface_->NotifyRegisterClientCallback(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS,
- client_if0, uuid0);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, callback_count);
- ASSERT_TRUE(client.get() != nullptr); // Assert to terminate in case of error
- EXPECT_EQ(client_if0, client->GetInstanceId());
- EXPECT_EQ(uuid0, client->GetAppIdentifier());
- EXPECT_EQ(uuid0, cb_uuid);
- // The client should unregister itself when deleted.
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_handler_, UnregisterClient(client_if0))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(Return(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS));
- client.reset();
- ::testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_handler_.get());
- // |uuid1| fails.
- int client_if1 = 3;
- fake_hal_gatt_iface_->NotifyRegisterClientCallback(BT_STATUS_FAIL, client_if1,
- uuid1);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, callback_count);
- ASSERT_TRUE(client.get() == nullptr); // Assert to terminate in case of error
- EXPECT_EQ(uuid1, cb_uuid);
- }
- MATCHER_P(BitEq, x, std::string(negation ? "isn't" : "is") +
- " bitwise equal to " + ::testing::PrintToString(x)) {
- static_assert(sizeof(x) == sizeof(arg), "Size mismatch");
- return std::memcmp(&arg, &x, sizeof(x)) == 0;
- }
- TEST_F(LowEnergyClientPostRegisterTest, Connect) {
- const RawAddress kTestAddress = {{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C}};
- const char kTestAddressStr[] = "01:02:03:0A:0B:0C";
- const bool kTestDirect = false;
- const int connId = 12;
- TestDelegate delegate;
- le_client_->SetDelegate(&delegate);
- // TODO(jpawlowski): NotifyConnectCallback should be called after returning
- // success, fix it when it becomes important.
- // These should succeed and result in a HAL call
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_handler_,
- Connect(le_client_->GetInstanceId(), BitEq(kTestAddress),
- kTestDirect, BT_TRANSPORT_LE))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(DoAll(Invoke([&](int client_id, const RawAddress& bd_addr,
- bool is_direct, int transport) {
- fake_hal_gatt_iface_->NotifyConnectCallback(
- connId, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, client_id, bd_addr);
- }),
- EXPECT_TRUE(le_client_->Connect(kTestAddressStr, kTestDirect));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, delegate.connection_state_count());
- // TODO(jpawlowski): same as above
- // These should succeed and result in a HAL call
- EXPECT_CALL(*mock_handler_, Disconnect(le_client_->GetInstanceId(),
- BitEq(kTestAddress), connId))
- .Times(1)
- .WillOnce(DoAll(
- Invoke([&](int client_id, const RawAddress& bd_addr, int connId) {
- fake_hal_gatt_iface_->NotifyDisconnectCallback(
- connId, BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, client_id, bd_addr);
- }),
- EXPECT_TRUE(le_client_->Disconnect(kTestAddressStr));
- EXPECT_EQ(2, delegate.connection_state_count());
- le_client_->SetDelegate(nullptr);
- ::testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_handler_.get());
- }
- } // namespace
- } // namespace bluetooth