hal_usb_gadget.te 567 B

  1. # HwBinder IPC from client to server, and callbacks
  2. binder_call(hal_usb_gadget_client, hal_usb_gadget_server)
  3. binder_call(hal_usb_gadget_server, hal_usb_gadget_client)
  4. hal_attribute_hwservice(hal_usb_gadget, hal_usb_gadget_hwservice)
  5. # Configuring usb gadget functions
  6. allow hal_usb_gadget_server configfs:lnk_file { read create unlink};
  7. allow hal_usb_gadget_server configfs:dir rw_dir_perms;
  8. allow hal_usb_gadget_server configfs:file create_file_perms;
  9. allow hal_usb_gadget_server functionfs:dir { read search };
  10. allow hal_usb_gadget_server functionfs:file read;