123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553 |
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- //
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include <android-base/logging.h>
- #include <android-base/macros.h>
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include <hardware/nvram.h>
- #include <openssl/sha.h>
- #include "nvram/hal/tests/scoped_nvram_device.h"
- namespace {
- constexpr uint32_t kTestIndex1 = 0xDEAD0001;
- constexpr uint32_t kTestIndex2 = 0xDEAD0002;
- constexpr uint32_t kTestIndexNeverExists = 0xDEAD0003;
- // Once we run a test that locks writing, that space is burned until reboot.
- // This value is the base index from which to dynamically burn spaces.
- constexpr uint32_t kTestIndexBurnBase = 0xDEAD0010;
- constexpr uint32_t kTestIndexBurnMax = 0xDEAD00FF;
- constexpr nvram_control_t kDefaultControls[] = {NV_CONTROL_BOOT_WRITE_LOCK,
- constexpr char kNoAuth[] = "";
- // If using authorization with an index returned by GetNextBurnSpace use this
- // as the value so the space can be cleaned up later.
- constexpr char kBurnSpaceAuth[] = "hal_test_burn";
- // Returns true if |target| contains |value|.
- template <typename T>
- bool Contains(T value, const std::vector<T>& target) {
- return (std::find(target.begin(), target.end(), value) != target.end());
- }
- // Returns true if |target| contains all of |values|.
- template <typename T>
- bool ContainsAll(const std::vector<T>& values,
- const std::vector<T>& target) {
- return std::all_of(values.begin(), values.end(),
- [target](T value) { return Contains(value, target); });
- }
- // Adds a few safety checks so tests don't get hardware into a state where it
- // needs factory reset.
- class SafeScopedNvramDevice : public nvram::ScopedNvramDevice {
- public:
- nvram_result_t CreateSpace(uint32_t index,
- uint64_t size_in_bytes,
- const std::vector<nvram_control_t>& control_list,
- const std::string& authorization_value) override {
- << "Do not use NV_CONTROL_PERSISTENT_WRITE_LOCK in tests.";
- CHECK(!Contains(NV_CONTROL_BOOT_WRITE_LOCK, control_list) ||
- !Contains(NV_CONTROL_WRITE_AUTHORIZATION, control_list) ||
- authorization_value == kNoAuth ||
- authorization_value == kBurnSpaceAuth)
- << "Do not lock spaces with unknown authorization values.";
- return nvram::ScopedNvramDevice::CreateSpace(
- index, size_in_bytes, control_list, authorization_value);
- }
- nvram_result_t DisableCreate() override {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Do not use DisableCreate in tests.";
- }
- };
- class ScopedNvramSpace {
- public:
- ScopedNvramSpace(SafeScopedNvramDevice* device, uint32_t index, uint32_t size)
- : ScopedNvramSpace(device,
- index,
- size,
- std::vector<nvram_control_t>(
- &kDefaultControls[0],
- &kDefaultControls[arraysize(kDefaultControls)]),
- kNoAuth) {}
- ScopedNvramSpace(SafeScopedNvramDevice* device,
- uint32_t index,
- uint32_t size,
- const std::vector<nvram_control_t>& control_list)
- : ScopedNvramSpace(device,
- index,
- size,
- control_list,
- kNoAuth) {}
- ScopedNvramSpace(SafeScopedNvramDevice* device,
- uint32_t index,
- uint32_t size,
- const std::vector<nvram_control_t>& control_list,
- const std::string& authorization_value)
- : device_(device),
- index_(index),
- authorization_value_(authorization_value) {
- Create(size, control_list);
- }
- ~ScopedNvramSpace() { Delete(); }
- private:
- void Create(uint32_t size,
- const std::vector<nvram_control_t>& control_list) {
- device_->CreateSpace(index_, size, control_list, authorization_value_));
- }
- void Delete() {
- device_->DeleteSpace(index_, authorization_value_));
- }
- SafeScopedNvramDevice* device_;
- uint32_t index_;
- std::string authorization_value_;
- };
- // Remove all unlocked burn spaces. Returns false on failure.
- bool CleanBurnSpaces(SafeScopedNvramDevice* device) {
- // Burned spaces will only be available for cleanup after reboot so there's no
- // sense in attempting cleanup more than once.
- static bool cleaned = false;
- if (cleaned) {
- return true;
- }
- bool success = true;
- cleaned = true;
- std::vector<uint32_t> space_index_list;
- if (device->GetSpaceList(&space_index_list) != NV_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
- return false;
- }
- for (uint32_t index : space_index_list) {
- if (index >= kTestIndexBurnBase && index <= kTestIndexBurnMax) {
- int write_lock, read_lock;
- if (device->IsSpaceLocked(index, &write_lock, &read_lock) !=
- success = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (!write_lock) {
- nvram_result_t result = device->DeleteSpace(index, kNoAuth);
- if (result == NV_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED) {
- result = device->DeleteSpace(index, kBurnSpaceAuth);
- }
- if (result != NV_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
- success = false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return success;
- }
- // Returns the next available burn space index. If using authorization, the
- // value MUST be kBurnSpaceAuth.
- bool GetNextBurnSpace(SafeScopedNvramDevice* device, uint32_t* index) {
- if (!CleanBurnSpaces(device)) {
- return false;
- }
- std::vector<uint32_t> space_index_list;
- if (device->GetSpaceList(&space_index_list) != NV_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
- return false;
- }
- *index = kTestIndexBurnBase;
- while (Contains(*index, space_index_list)) {
- (*index)++;
- }
- if (*index >= kTestIndexBurnMax) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- std::string SHA256HashString(const std::string& input) {
- uint8_t hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- SHA256(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(input.data()), input.size(), hash);
- return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(hash), SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
- }
- } // namespace
- namespace nvram {
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, TotalSize) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint64_t total_size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetTotalSizeInBytes(&total_size));
- EXPECT_LE(2048u, total_size);
- };
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, AvailableSize) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint64_t available_size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetAvailableSizeInBytes(&available_size));
- uint64_t total_size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetTotalSizeInBytes(&total_size));
- EXPECT_LE(available_size, total_size);
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, MaxSpaceSize) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint64_t max_space_size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetMaxSpaceSizeInBytes(&max_space_size));
- uint64_t total_size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetTotalSizeInBytes(&total_size));
- EXPECT_LE(max_space_size, total_size);
- EXPECT_GE(max_space_size, 32u);
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, MaxSpaces) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint32_t num_spaces = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetMaxSpaces(&num_spaces));
- EXPECT_LE(8u, num_spaces);
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, SpaceList) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint32_t max_spaces = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetMaxSpaces(&max_spaces));
- std::vector<uint32_t> space_index_list;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetSpaceList(&space_index_list));
- ASSERT_LE(space_index_list.size(), max_spaces);
- // Add a test space and check it gets reported.
- {
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1, 32);
- std::vector<uint32_t> space_index_list2;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetSpaceList(&space_index_list2));
- ASSERT_EQ(space_index_list.size() + 1, space_index_list2.size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsAll(space_index_list, space_index_list2));
- EXPECT_TRUE(Contains(kTestIndex1, space_index_list2));
- }
- // Check we're back to the original list.
- std::vector<uint32_t> space_index_list3;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetSpaceList(&space_index_list3));
- ASSERT_EQ(space_index_list.size(), space_index_list3.size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsAll(space_index_list, space_index_list3));
- EXPECT_FALSE(Contains(kTestIndex1, space_index_list3));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, SpaceSize) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1, 17);
- ScopedNvramSpace space2(&device, kTestIndex2, 32);
- uint64_t size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetSpaceSize(kTestIndex1, &size));
- EXPECT_EQ(17u, size);
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetSpaceSize(kTestIndex2, &size));
- EXPECT_EQ(32u, size);
- device.GetSpaceSize(kTestIndexNeverExists, &size));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, SpaceControls) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1, 32);
- std::vector<nvram_control_t> expected_control_list(
- &kDefaultControls[0], &kDefaultControls[arraysize(kDefaultControls)]);
- std::vector<nvram_control_t> control_list;
- device.GetSpaceControls(kTestIndex1, &control_list));
- ASSERT_EQ(expected_control_list.size(), control_list.size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsAll(expected_control_list, control_list));
- device.GetSpaceControls(kTestIndexNeverExists, &control_list));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, IsLocked) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1, 32);
- int write_lock, read_lock;
- device.IsSpaceLocked(kTestIndex1, &write_lock, &read_lock));
- EXPECT_FALSE(read_lock);
- EXPECT_FALSE(write_lock);
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.EnableReadLock(kTestIndex1, kNoAuth));
- device.IsSpaceLocked(kTestIndex1, &write_lock, &read_lock));
- EXPECT_TRUE(read_lock);
- EXPECT_FALSE(write_lock);
- device.IsSpaceLocked(kTestIndexNeverExists, &write_lock, &read_lock));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, CreateSmall) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1, 1);
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, CreateLarge) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint64_t max_space_size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetMaxSpaceSizeInBytes(&max_space_size));
- uint64_t available_size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetAvailableSizeInBytes(&available_size));
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1,
- std::min(max_space_size, available_size));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, CreateWithCustomControls) {
- const std::vector<nvram_control_t> kControlList{
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1, 32, kControlList);
- std::vector<nvram_control_t> control_list;
- device.GetSpaceControls(kTestIndex1, &control_list));
- ASSERT_EQ(kControlList.size(), control_list.size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsAll(control_list, kControlList));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ContainsAll(kControlList, control_list));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, CreateWithAuthorization) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- std::string password = "hunter2";
- ScopedNvramSpace space(
- &device, kTestIndex1, 32,
- password);
- std::string data = "test";
- std::string bad_password = "*******";
- device.WriteSpace(kTestIndex1, data, bad_password));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(kTestIndex1, data, password));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, CreateAlreadyExists) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1, 32);
- device.CreateSpace(kTestIndex1, 32, {}, kNoAuth));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, Delete) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- {
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, kTestIndex1, 32);
- uint64_t size = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetSpaceSize(kTestIndex1, &size));
- }
- // ScopedNvramSpace will call Delete when it falls out of scope. Now we can
- // make sure that worked.
- uint64_t size = 0;
- device.GetSpaceSize(kTestIndex1, &size));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, WriteLock) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint32_t index;
- ASSERT_TRUE(GetNextBurnSpace(&device, &index));
- device.CreateSpace(index, 32, {NV_CONTROL_BOOT_WRITE_LOCK}, kNoAuth));
- int write_lock, read_lock;
- device.IsSpaceLocked(index, &write_lock, &read_lock));
- EXPECT_FALSE(write_lock);
- EXPECT_FALSE(read_lock);
- // It should be possible to delete if the space has not yet been locked.
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.DeleteSpace(index, kNoAuth));
- device.CreateSpace(index, 32, {NV_CONTROL_BOOT_WRITE_LOCK}, kNoAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(index, "test", kNoAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.EnableWriteLock(index, kNoAuth));
- device.IsSpaceLocked(index, &write_lock, &read_lock));
- EXPECT_TRUE(write_lock);
- EXPECT_FALSE(read_lock);
- device.WriteSpace(index, "test2", kNoAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_OPERATION_DISABLED, device.DeleteSpace(index, kNoAuth));
- std::string data;
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.ReadSpace(index, 4, kNoAuth, &data));
- EXPECT_EQ("test", data);
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, ReadLock) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndex1;
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, index, 32, {NV_CONTROL_BOOT_READ_LOCK});
- int write_lock, read_lock;
- device.IsSpaceLocked(index, &write_lock, &read_lock));
- EXPECT_FALSE(write_lock);
- EXPECT_FALSE(read_lock);
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(index, "test", kNoAuth));
- std::string data;
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.ReadSpace(index, 4, kNoAuth, &data));
- EXPECT_EQ("test", data);
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.EnableReadLock(index, kNoAuth));
- device.IsSpaceLocked(index, &write_lock, &read_lock));
- EXPECT_FALSE(write_lock);
- EXPECT_TRUE(read_lock);
- device.ReadSpace(index, 4, kNoAuth, &data));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(index, "test2", kNoAuth));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, WriteAuthorization) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndex1;
- std::string password = "hunter2";
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, index, 32, {NV_CONTROL_WRITE_AUTHORIZATION},
- password);
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(index, "test", password));
- device.WriteSpace(index, "test2", kNoAuth));
- device.WriteSpace(index, "test3", "bad_password"));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED, device.DeleteSpace(index, kNoAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED, device.DeleteSpace(index, "bad"));
- std::string data;
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.ReadSpace(index, 4, kNoAuth, &data));
- EXPECT_EQ("test", data);
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.ReadSpace(index, 4, password, &data));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, ReadAuthorization) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndex1;
- std::string password = "hunter2";
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, index, 32, {NV_CONTROL_READ_AUTHORIZATION},
- password);
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(index, "test", password));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(index, "test2", kNoAuth));
- std::string data;
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.ReadSpace(index, 4, password, &data));
- EXPECT_EQ("test", data);
- device.ReadSpace(index, 4, kNoAuth, &data));
- device.ReadSpace(index, 4, "bad_password", &data));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, WriteLockAuthorization) {
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint32_t index;
- ASSERT_TRUE(GetNextBurnSpace(&device, &index));
- device.CreateSpace(index, 32, {NV_CONTROL_BOOT_WRITE_LOCK,
- kBurnSpaceAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.EnableReadLock(index, kNoAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED, device.EnableWriteLock(index, kNoAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED, device.EnableWriteLock(index, "bad"));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.EnableWriteLock(index, kBurnSpaceAuth));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, ReadLockAuthorization) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndex1;
- std::string password = "hunter2";
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, index, 32,
- password);
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED, device.EnableReadLock(index, kNoAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED, device.EnableReadLock(index, "bad"));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.EnableReadLock(index, password));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, WriteExtend) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndex1;
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, index, 32, {NV_CONTROL_WRITE_EXTEND});
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(index, "test", kNoAuth));
- std::string data;
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.ReadSpace(index, 32, kNoAuth, &data));
- std::string hash1 = SHA256HashString(std::string(32, 0) + "test");
- EXPECT_EQ(hash1, data);
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.WriteSpace(index, "test2", kNoAuth));
- EXPECT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.ReadSpace(index, 32, kNoAuth, &data));
- std::string hash2 = SHA256HashString(hash1 + "test2");
- EXPECT_EQ(hash2, data);
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, WriteExtendTooShort) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndex1;
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- // Only SHA-256 is supported. Try 20 which is SHA-1 output.
- device.CreateSpace(index, 20, {NV_CONTROL_WRITE_EXTEND}, kNoAuth));
- device.WriteSpace(index, "test", kNoAuth));
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, WriteExtendTooLong) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndex1;
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- uint64_t max_space_size = 0;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.GetMaxSpaceSizeInBytes(&max_space_size));
- if (max_space_size > 32) {
- // Only SHA-256 is supported. Try 64 which is SHA-512 output.
- device.CreateSpace(index, std::min<uint64_t>(max_space_size, 64),
- device.WriteSpace(index, "test", kNoAuth));
- }
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, InitialValue) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndex1;
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- ScopedNvramSpace space(&device, index, 32);
- std::string data;
- ASSERT_EQ(NV_RESULT_SUCCESS, device.ReadSpace(index, 32, kNoAuth, &data));
- EXPECT_EQ(std::string(32, 0), data);
- }
- TEST(NVRAMModuleTest, ReadWriteSpaceDoesNotExist) {
- uint32_t index = kTestIndexNeverExists;
- SafeScopedNvramDevice device;
- device.WriteSpace(index, "test", kNoAuth));
- std::string data;
- device.ReadSpace(index, 1, kNoAuth, &data));
- device.EnableWriteLock(index, kNoAuth));
- device.EnableReadLock(index, kNoAuth));
- }
- } // namespace nvram