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- typeattribute incident_helper coredomain;
- type incident_helper_exec, system_file_type, exec_type, file_type;
- # switch to incident_helper domain for incident_helper command
- domain_auto_trans(incidentd, incident_helper_exec, incident_helper)
- # use pipe to transmit data from/to incidentd/incident_helper for parsing
- allow incident_helper { shell incident incidentd dumpstate }:fd use;
- allow incident_helper { shell incident incidentd dumpstate }:fifo_file { getattr read write };
- allow incident_helper incidentd:unix_stream_socket { read write };
- # only allow incidentd and shell to call incident_helper
- neverallow { domain -incidentd -incident_helper -shell } incident_helper_exec:file { execute execute_no_trans };